UW Libraries & SEIU 925 Negotiations Recap for August 9, 2022
This recap details the twenty-first virtual sessions for the initial collective bargaining agreement between the UW Libraries and SEIU 925. Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website. The parties agreed to ground rules for these negotiations.
Union Counter Proposals
Employee Facilities & Health and Safety – In response to the Employer, the Union proposed to include identical language in both articles that employees would have the right to remove themselves from situations in which there is a hostile or unsafe work environment created by an individual or groups.
Employer Counter Proposals
Duties and Assignments – In response to the Union, the Employer proposed that job duties be divided into core duties at 80 percent and research and service at 20 percent of the workload consistent with the job duties assigned. For Professional Libraries and Press employees, the job duties are consistent with the employee’s job classification and for Librarians, the job duties may vary based on assigned work. The Employer proposed that they would review position descriptions at least annually along with the performance evaluation process in an effort to reflect the business needs and employee’s ongoing responsibilities. The employer also included language regarding the assignment of additional duties.
Telework – In response to the Union, the Employer proposed language that would allow the use of telework agreements and flexible scheduling incorporated into each unit and should a telework request be denied, the reason would be provided in writing. The Employer proposed that the existing disability accommodation process would be utilized for telework for disability accommodations.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Anti-Racism – In response to the Union, the Employer proposed an MOU that would acknowledge the value of diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace and that initiatives would be promoted, and all employment types would have the opportunity to participate in DEI activities. The Employer proposed language regarding activities that would be considered time worked and there may be opportunities to provide feedback. Additionally, proposed language included that the Employer would provide information regarding the University’s existing plans such as the Inclusive Hiring page and the Staff Diversity Hiring Toolkit. and a module on implicit bias, privilege, micro aggressions and diversity in hiring for managers and supervisors during the SLP workshop. The Employer proposed they would provide a list of trainings offered on diversity annually. The Employer proposed that the parties acknowledge the Washington’s Diversity Blueprint 2022 to 2026: Actions toward Access, Inclusion, and Equity and that an annual report would be provided on the university diversity metrics.
Overtime – The Employer reasserted their initial proposal position rejecting the Union’s proposal to change the definition of overtime
Hours of Work – The Employer reasserted their initial proposal position, rejecting the Union’s proposal for a full-time workload to be thirty hours per week.
Next Steps
The next UW Libraries and SEIU 925 bargaining session is scheduled for August 16 and will be held virtually.