Labor Relations

UW – SEIU 1199NW RHH Negotiations Recap for Wednesday, August 3, 2022

This recap details the first virtual session of the negotiation for the 2023-2025 collective bargaining agreement between the UW and SEIU 1199NW Research/Hall Health. Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.

SEIU 1199NW RHH Initial Proposals

New Article-New Employee Orientation
The Union proposed a new article dealing with new employee orientation. The Union proposes that the Employer will offer a regularly scheduled, in-person, all day new employee orientation which will include a benefits orientation. The Union proposes the orientation will be offered by the office of Professional and Organizational Development in coordination with the Benefits Office. A Union representative would be allowed no less than 30 minutes with employees during the new employee orientation in a private location without the Employer present. The Union proposes that by the end of the week prior to each new employee orientation, the Employer would provide the Union with a list of all employees scheduled for the orientation. The proposal also includes language that provides the Union with access to employees who were not able to attend orientation.

Article 11-Vacation Schedule
The Union proposed new language stating that all requests for vacation leave will receive a response from the employing department within two weeks or less of the request. The Union also proposed the Employer will make a good faith effort to accommodate vacation requests and if a request is denied, the employee may request a meeting with the Employer to discuss the decision to deny and potential alternatives that could be approved.

Article 22-Job Posting and Transfer
The Union proposed new language stating that when notice is provided to the Employer that a position will be permanently vacated, the Employer will post the same FTE no more than two weeks after the notice or four months before the planned vacating of the position. The Union also proposed new language stating that when an employee wishes to increase or decrease their FTE, the Employer will accommodate the request within three months of the request.

Next Steps
The next UW and 1199NW RHH bargaining session is scheduled for August 17, 2022 and will be held virtually.