Labor Relations

WFSE-PM – UW Negotiations Recap for Thursday, April 21, 2022

This recap details the first virtual session for the renewal of the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between the University of Washington and WFSE Police Management. Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.

Tentative Agreements
The parties tentatively agreed to the following:

Current Contract Language

  • Article 1 – Preamble
  • Article 3 – Affirmative Action
  • Article 5 – Joint Labor Management Committee
  • Article 7 – Union Business Representatives
  • Article 8 – Union Business Activities Leave
  • Article 14 – Health and Safety
  • Article 15 – Tuition Exemption
  • Article 19 – Contracting
  • Article 21 – Discipline and Dismissal
  • Article 22 – Grievance Procedure
  • Article 23 – Employee Representation
  • Article 24 – Performance of Duty
  • Article 26 – Severability
  • Article 27 – Health Care Benefits
  • Article 28 – Mandatory Subjects
  • Article 29 – Training and Development

WFSE PM Initial Proposals

Article 2 – Non-Discrimination
The Union proposed to strike language that nondiscrimination complaints would not be subject to the grievance procedure of the CBA.

Article 4 – Management Rights and Responsibilities
The Union proposed that the Employer would provide up to five language translated versions of the CBA as needed.

Article 9 – Employee Rights
VEBA Medical Reimbursement Plan
The Union proposed to increase University contributions, per bargaining unit member, from 1.2% to 2.5% of regular pay to the VEBA Medical Reimbursement Plan.
The Union proposed that the Employer would provide information about classified positions within the bargaining unit which may be abolished or held unfilled annually rather than upon request.

Article 11 – Sick and Bereavement Leave
The Union proposed that employees would receive 8 hours of sick leave per month regardless of any unpaid time off taken during that month.
Sick Leave Cash Out
The Union proposed an increase to the cash out rate for sick time off from 25% to 100%.

Article 12 – Holidays
Personal Holiday
The Union proposed that eligible employees would increase personal holidays from one per calendar year to two.

Article 13 – Leaves of Absence
Suspended Operations
The Union proposed to clarify that all employees within this bargaining unit are essential.

Article 16 – Uniforms and Special Clothing
Personal Items
The Union proposed to increase the reimbursement amount for personal items required on the job that are lost, damaged or destroyed in the line of duty from $100 to $250 per occurrence.
Cleaning Allowance
The Union proposed that the University would pay for alterations and repair of uniforms in addition to the cleaning that is already provided.
Plain Clothes Allowance
The Union proposed to increase the allowance for positions designated as “plain clothes” from $500 per year to $2400 per year, paid at the rate of $200 monthly.

Article 18 – Hours of Work and Overtime
The Union proposed that employees would be compensated at straight time for overtime shifts cancelled with less than seventy-two hours’ notice.
The Union proposed to increase the rate of standby status from $3.75 per hour to $5 per hour.
Time Off Between Shifts
The Union proposed to increase the rest period between shifts from 8 hours to 10 unless mutually agreed upon.

Article 20 – Compensatory Time Off
The Union proposed that overtime generated as a result of football games may be paid as compensatory time, which is not allowed under the current CBA.

Article 25 – Wages and Other Pay Provisions
Longevity Pay
The Union proposed increases in pay based on years worked so that new amounts would be:

  • 5 years from 2% to 3%
  • 10 years from 3% to 5%
  • 15 years from 5% to 6%
  • 20 years from 6% to 8%
  • 25 years, a new distinction, would be at 10%

The Union proposed that instructors would no longer require certification and would receive an increase from 7.5% to 10% premium pay for hours spent instructing and proposed removing the requirement of instruction lasting at least 4 hours. Additionally, the Union proposed that armorers would receive an additional 10% while performing maintenance, inventory, or compliance and certified field training officers would receive an additional 10% for managing FTO programs.
Fitness Incentive
The Union proposed that employees that pass the optional yearly Physical Fitness Agility Test would receive an increase to the one-time lump sum payment from $250 to $500 each year they pass the test.
Educational Incentive
The Union proposed that employees with a bachelor’s degree would receive a 3% pay increase and advanced degrees would be 5%. This is change from the once annually flat dollar amounts of $500 and $750 respectively.

UW Initial Proposals

Article 2 – Non-Discrimination
The Employer proposed updates to this article so that the language was more up to date, and the list of protected classes aligns with Executive Order 31.

Article 6 – Union Dues Deductions
The Employer proposed to align dues language with the relevant University Administrative Policy Statement, clarifying language regarding dues deduction process and revocation.

Article 9 – Employee Rights
The Employer proposed striking language that would allow documents within personnel files to be removed.

Article 10 – Vacations
The Employer proposed updating language to align with an upcoming change to the applicable Washington Administrative Code stating that an employee would not accrue vacation time off during a leave of absence when unpaid time off exceeds eighty hours in a calendar month, prorated for part time. The Employer proposed to include language that clarifies current practice regarding the few circumstances where an employee may exceed the 240 hour cap.

Article 11 – Sick and Bereavement Time Off
Sick Time Off
To updated with a change in the WAC, the Employer proposed that employees with leave without pay exceeding 80 hours in a month (prorated for part-time) would earn a monthly accrual proportionate to the number of hours in pay status, in the month to that required for full-time employment. Sick leave accruals must not exceed eight hours in a month. The Employer proposed that, in accordance with state law, former eligible employees who are re-employed would be granted all unused sick time off credits if they return to classified employment within five years of termination. Throughout the remainder of the Article, the Employer proposed to update aspects of the provision that were out of date, including the list of reasons sick time off is allowable.
Bereavement Time Off
The Employer proposed adding language to align with a recent law change, stating that bereavement could be used for the miscarriage or stillbirth of a child.

Article 12 – Holidays
The Employer proposed to update the CBA with language that aligns with current practice related to personal holiday conditions and holiday credit time off. The Employer proposed to change compensation for holiday time worked by paying an employee eight hours of holiday credit plus paid holiday premium pay for hours work, rather than current practice of paying eight hours of straight time plus holiday premium pay, but no holiday credit.

Article 13 – Leaves of Absence
Work Related Injury Leave
The Employer proposed to strike the buyback necessity for workers’ compensation time loss benefits. so that employees who suffer work related injury would be able to select time loss compensation or a combination of leave payment and time loss compensation.
Essential Employees
The Employer proposed to clarify that the Employer may designate employees as “Essential” under APS 40.2 and all employees within this bargaining unit are designated as essential for purposes of suspended operations. The Employer proposed to eliminate essential employee language from the inclement weather section as essential status is irrelevant to the inclement weather policy.

Article 17 – Seniority and Layoff
The Employer proposed that time spent on paid or unpaid leave would not impact layoff seniority.

Article 18 – Hours of Work and Overtime
The Employer proposed to strike that pay for football games would be compensated at the rate double the base the base rate for working UW football games, proposing to instead pay it at 1.5 times the regular rate of pay, as is the rate for other special events.

Article 20 – Compensatory Time Off
The Employer proposed that overtime hours would be compensated on a salary payment basis unless the employee requests and is granted compensatory time off.
Use/Carry Over
The Employer also proposed that compensatory time off may be scheduled by the Employer during the final sixty days of the fiscal year and must be used or cased out every June 30.

Article 25 – Wages and Other Pay Provisions
The Employer proposed two new premiums: detective assignment and bike officer patrol. Officers assigned as a detective would receive a four percent premium for all hours worked on assignment and officers trained as bicycle officers and assigned would receive a three percent premium for all hours worked on assignment.

Article 30 – Duration
The Employer proposed housekeeping edits for this article, extending to the 2023-2025 biennium.

Appendix I – Pay Table
The Employer proposed a placeholder to replace the pay table with the Teamsters 117 and WFSE Police Management Sergeants and Lieutenants table effective July 1, 2023.

Appendix III – Heath Care Benefits
The Employer proposed to replace this appendix with the agreement, once reached, at the Washington State Healthcare Authority table.

New MOU – Salary Overpayment Recovery
The Employer proposed outlining in a MOU current practice with collecting on overpayment and detailing how employees could appeal.

New MOU – Transportation
The Employer proposed that the University would be able to apply changes in its transportation policy without the obligation to bargain. Additionally, the Employer proposed that the Union would have a standing seat at the University’s committee(s) that work on transportation and parking issues.

Next Steps
The next WFSE-PM and UW bargaining session is scheduled for Tuesday, May 3, 2022 and will be held virtually.