Labor Relations

UW Libraries & SEIU 925 Negotiations Recap for April 14, 2022


This recap details the thirteenth virtual session for the initial collective bargaining agreement between the UW Libraries and SEIU 925. Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website. The parties agreed to ground rules for these negotiations.

Tentative Agreements:

  • Article – Contract Distribution
    • The parties tentatively agreed to language found in the current SEIU 925 CBA and includes distributing contract information electronically in addition to paper copies as needed. The distribution agreement includes a link for all current and new employees.
  • Article – Grievance Procedure
    • The parties tentatively agreed to language found in the current SEIU 925 CBA and includes language that included other modalities to meet and language that the modality is upon mutual agreement.
  • Article – Military Leave
    • The parties tentatively agreed to language found in the current SEIU 925 CBA and includes language regarding UWHR and OAP current processes
  • Article – Union Membership, Dues, Deduction and Status Reports
    • The parties agreed to language which includes detailed information included on rosters provided to the Union each pay period. The proposal also included the dues deduction procedures, remittance of dues and employee revocation of dues on their payroll deductions

Union Initial Proposals

Academic Freedom – The Union’s initial proposal includes language that Employees would be able to pursue scholarly inquiry without undue restriction with regards to voicing or publishing their conclusions and such exercise would not result in disciplinary action or adverse merit evaluation.

Performance Evaluations – The Union’s initial proposal is based on IHME and includes language that would open a shared dialogue between employees and supervisors. The Union ideally would like to include supervisors as mentors and supervisors would routinely meet with employees to discuss progress and communication on development, growth and improvement. They proposed that formal performance evaluations would include a timeline under five years, over five years, new positions and upon request. The process would include a process with goal setting with written performance evaluations.  The proposal would include class specifications and position job duties and expectations. The proposal would include responsibilities for supervisors and employees, evaluator training and grievability beginning on step two.

Professional Leave – The Union’s initial proposal includes language that would allow Employees the opportunity to engage in educational opportunities in knowledge, scholarship, skills, professional development, professional conferences and meetings and/or community activities, with pay. The goal of the proposal is investing in the employee’s future contributions. The leave opportunities would include scholarly activities, developing programs, engaging in professional development, attending conferences or meetings and travel time needed.  The proposal also included language for types of leaves for time grants, sabbaticals, training and development, and conferences and committees and eligibility in addition to exclusions under credit bearing coursework.

Resignation, Retirement, and Abandonment –The proposal includes an exit interview process with EDI and for all resigning and retiring parties. The proposal would include re employment by UW Libraries, Gallagher Law Library and UW Press for more than 40 percent appointment up to five years after the date of retirement.  The proposed language would include the failure to report absence on three consecutive scheduled work day may be deemed as resigned and that the Employer would make reasonable attempts to contract the employee. The Union proposed that notice be sent for abandonment prior to the notice of separation, there would be a period of fourteen days to provide proof of the failure to report to work for reinstatement.

Tuition Exemption Program – The Union’s initial proposal is based on existing language from SEIU 925. Added language states that employees would have flex time in order to attend classes during regular work hours, unless it would prevent operational needs, which would include a reason in writing. The proposal would include that if an employee is required to take a tuition exemption class that all of the fees and costs associated would be paid by the Employer.

Employer Initial Proposals

Probation – The Employer’s initial proposal is based off of IHME contract language and applies to former professional staff Only. The language would include every part time and full time library staff employee complete a probation of six months which could be extended up to twelve months and a performance improvement plan. The language would include University of Washington Library System (UW Libraries, UW Press, and the Gallagher Law Library) that would complete a probationary period would not need to complete another within the UW Library System provided no break in service. The language includes earning seniority from their probationary status when initially hired. The proposal includes that if a rejection should occur before the probationary period is completed that the employee could have a meeting upon ten business days of notice with a Union representative.

Employer Counter Proposals

Miscellaneous Leave – In response to the Union, the Employer’s counter proposal included to maintain language that formal collective bargaining may qualify for unpaid time off. The Employer rejected the Union’s proposal to add additional time for employees to respond to notice requiring them to return from work on unpaid time off under extreme circumstances, or upon finding out the time off is being misused,

Transportation, Travel and Commute Reduction – In response to the Union, the Employer combined both telework and transportation into one proposal. The Employer proposal that telework may be granted in accordance with existing policy. The Employer proposed to include language for work time and compensation for overtime eligible employees required to travel for work.

Next Steps

The next UW Libraries and SEIU 925 bargaining session is scheduled for April 20 and will be held virtually.