Labor Relations

UW Libraries & SEIU 925 Negotiations Recap for March 16, 2022


This recap details the eleventh virtual session for the initial collective bargaining agreement between the UW Libraries and SEIU 925. Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website. The parties agreed to ground rules for these negotiations.

Tentative Agreements

  • Article – Contracting
    • The parties agreed that the Employer will not contract out work resulting in the layoff or reduced FTE status of bargaining unit employees, and any necessary contract will include 30 days’ notice to the Union, and the opportunity for the Union to bargain the effects of the contracting.
  • Article – Joint Union Management
    • The parties agreed to language establishing a joint union-management committee, comprised of three representatives each from the Union and the Employer. The committee provides a forum for communications between the parties to deal with matters of general Union/Employer concern.
  • Article – Work Related Injury Leave
    • The parties agreed to language detailing compliance with related law and policy regarding work related injury leave.

Union Initial Proposals

New Employees – The Union’s initial proposal based off of the IHME contract but includes additional memorializing of current orientation practice.   The Union proposed to include new employee orientation information in addition to two new sections in employee training and mentorship. The Union proposed that onboarding would include being trained within 14 days after being hired and would include informing employees of benefits, professional development opportunities and safety and security procedures. The Union proposed voluntary formal mentorship opportunities for UW Libraries, Gallagher Law Library and UW Press.

Ranking and Reranking of Law Librarians – The Union’s initial proposal is to maintain the existing promotional process (referred to by the Union as ranking and reranking), as it exists currently in policy for Law Librarians.

Ranking and Reranking of UW Librarians – The Union’s initial proposal is to maintain the existing promotional process (referred to by the Union as ranking and reranking), as it exists currently for UW Libraries, outlined in the Librarian Personnel Code.

Employer Initial Proposals

Classification Structure – The Employer proposed its first batch of draft job classification specifications for select former professional staff positions. The proposals included specifications for the new job classes of Libraries Program Operations, grades 7-9 and Libraries Access Services Management, grade 7.

Union Counter Proposals

Holidays – In response to the Employer, the Union proposed to include current practice of professional staff policy to include unused holiday credit to be used or paid out when transferring within the University or separating from the University, without requiring an annual June 30 holiday credit cash out.

Leave Related to Domestic Violence Sexual Assault or Stalking – In response to the Employer, the Union proposed to list the applicable time off types that can be utilized for situations relevant to this article and add the definition of family member. The Union proposed to include reasonable safety accommodation language, stating that the accommodations will be guided by the needs of the Employee, including examples of what that may look like.

Military Leave – In response to the Employer, the Union proposed to include a link to the UWHR website where the current military leave of absence request process is outlined.

Sick Time Off – In response to the Employer, the Union proposed to expand the definition of family member so that it is not limited to the list of familial relationships outlined within the Employer’s proposed Article, for purposes of utilizing sick time off.

Time Off Due to Child Care Emergencies – In response to the Employer, the Union proposed to eliminate the existing cap of three days of each leave type of for use for time off due to family care emergencies.  The Union proposed to include language stating that employees shall not be disciplined or discriminated against if they are to exercise the rights outlined in this article.

Unpaid Holidays for A Reason of Faith or Conscience –In response to the Employer, the Union proposed to include holiday credit as an allowable time off type for unpaid holidays for a reason of faith or conscience.

Civil Jury Duty Time Off and Bereavement Time Off – In response to the Employer, the Union proposed to expand the definition of family member so that it is not limited to the list of familial relationships outlined within the Employer’s proposed Article, for purposes of utilizing bereavement time off.

Next Steps

The next UW Libraries and SEIU 925 bargaining session is scheduled for March 29 and will be held virtually.