Labor Relations

UW Libraries & SEIU 925 Negotiations Recap for January 12, 2022


This recap details the seventh virtual session for the initial collective bargaining agreement between the UW Libraries and SEIU 925. Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.

Union Initial Proposals

Corrective Action – The Union’s initial proposal is based off the main SEIU 925 CBA, with some updates. The Union proposed that dismissals or demotions would first go through an adjudication process, and a separate article was proposed outlining that process. The Union proposed language stating that the coaching process would be intended to encourage resolution through informal discussion which could include a simple action plan.

Adjudication – The Union’s initial proposal is based off the existing Library personnel code, with some updates. The proposal is to incorporate much of the current librarian adjudication process and expand the applicability to the entire bargaining unit as a form of dispute resolution. The adjudication committee would be comprised of five members identified by the Union and a Hearing Officer selected jointly by both parties. The Hearing Officer would not have a vote in any final decision.

Personnel Files – The Union’s initial proposal is based off the main SEIU 925 CBA, with some updates. The proposal included language that files related to promotion and appointment would be kept in the employee’s departmental file. The employee would be able to provide a written rebuttal to any objectionable information and the Employer would respond in writing to the employee. The employee would be notified of anyone accessing their personnel files via public records and given a protest period to potentially seek injunctive relief.

Privacy – The Union’s initial proposal is based off the main SEIU 925 CBA, with some updates. The proposal acknowledges the relevant RCW stating that certain information be exempt from public inspection or copying as a violation of the right to privacy. The proposals also includes language that Labor Relations would notify the Union regarding public records request in order to allow for a ten business day protest period. The expanded language states that the Employer must receive written consent from the employee to disclose information in which they are being named.

Joint Union Management – The Union’s initial proposal is based off the main SEIU 925 CBA, with some minor updates. The committee would include three representatives from the UW Libraries and three from the Employer, and time spent in meetings would be considered time worked. Meetings would be mutually agreed to and would include at least a one week notice and an agenda. In order to resolve problems at the lowest level, staff would be encouraged to bring concerns to the UW Libraries, Gallagher Law Library or UW Press.

Next Steps

The next UW Libraries and SEIU 925 bargaining session is scheduled for January 26 and will be held virtually.