Labor Relations

UW Libraries & SEIU 925 Negotiations Recap for December 2, 2021


This recap details the fifth virtual session for the initial collective bargaining agreement between the UW Libraries and SEIU 925. Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.

Union Priorities & Goals

The Union elaborated on the initial bargaining priorities and goals they had previously shared during the parties’ first bargaining session. SEIU 925 is working to develop proposals that align with their goals, that will be presented in subsequent bargaining sessions. Some of the stated priorities and goals are summarized below:

  • Improving salaries
    • Focusing on equal salaries for comparable roles, competitive salaries, limiting salary compression, and predictable wage increases
  • Sustainable workloads
    • Defining parameters for temporary appointments, clearly defined work schedules, accommodation for committee and special project work, dynamic goal shifting to align with current workload
  • Career development & advancement opportunities
    • Developing a clear promotional process policy, professional development support, matching job duties to appropriate job classifications
  • Equity & justice
    • Focusing on BIPOC recruitment and retention, analysis and action to address potential salary inequities for traditionally marginalized staff, establish common supervisor-employee relationship expectations, establish criteria for decision making in conflict resolution, and reduce variability amongst implementation of policies
  • Member similarities & difference
    • Drafting proposals that reflect both the similarities and differences amongst members, based on relevant existing professional staff policy, the librarian personnel code, and the law librarian appointment and promotion code. Seniority may be a potential consideration as criteria impacting time off, layoff, and telework prioritization.

Next Steps

The next UW Libraries and SEIU 925 bargaining session is scheduled for December 16 and will be held virtually.