Labor Relations

UW Libraries & SEIU 925 Negotiations Recap for November 16, 2021


This recap details the fourth virtual session for the initial collective bargaining agreement between the UW Libraries and SEIU 925. Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.

Union Initial Proposals

Affirmative Action – The Union’s initial proposal is based off the main SEIU 925 IHME CBA. The proposal references existing Federal and State affirmative action policies.  In addition, the union proposed that it would be part of any committees or groups making policies on affirmative action which would affect the bargaining unit.

Grievance Procedure – The Union’s initial proposal is based off the main SEIU 925 IHME CBA, and would result in an established grievance procedure for bargaining unit employees. The proposal included additional wording regarding the processing of meetings at all steps of the grievance process to be either remote or in-person and that the parties would agree that meetings would be most effective is the same modality is used for all parties.

Workplace Behavior – The Union’s initial proposal is based off the main SEIU 925 IHME CBA, with some updates. The proposal included new language stating that perceptions of “appropriate” behavior could be racialized and gendered, and that the values of equity and diversity should inform all conversations, decisions and outcomes of this article. The proposal included additional language clarifying their definition of inappropriate workplace behavior and its disruptive impact. The Union proposed to outline additional workplace resolution pathways options beyond the grievance procedure, emphasizing that all processes should factor in equity and diversity..

Next Steps

The next UW Libraries and SEIU 925 bargaining session is scheduled for December 2 and will be held virtually.