Labor Relations

SEIU 1199 – UW (Harborview) Negotiations Recap for May 20


This recap details the fifth virtual session between the UW and Service Employees International Union 1199NW for the renewal of the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) for Harborview Medical Center/Airlift Northwest (HMC/ALNW). Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.

SEIU 1199 Initial Proposals

Family Care – The Union proposed that in addition to sick leave, vacation leave, compensatory time, holiday time, and unpaid time off could also be used when the employee’s child’s school or day care has been closed by a public health official for any health-related reason. Additionally, the Union proposed to remove the cap on the number of  days that an employee could use compensatory time, vacation time off, sick time off, unpaid time off, and a personal holiday if they are unable to work due to a family care emergency. Current contract language provides a three day maximum, and without this cap, the employee could use an unlimited amount of time off. The Union also proposed that “family” in “family care emergency” would refer to the definition of family as described in current contract language related to sick time off in Article 18.3.

Advance Practice Provider (APP) Onboarding – The Union proposed that the Employer would develop a task force composed of current APPs, APP leadership and representation from the Medical Director’s Office to standardize the onboarding process through the design of two different programs, residency and mentorship, within six months of contract ratification. APPs with fewer than two years’ experience would participate in a residency program lasting no less than six months. During the first three months, the APP would be supported by a preceptor no less than five hours per week; in the next three months, they would by supported by a preceptor no less than three hours per week. APPs with over two years’ experience would participate in the mentorship program lasting no less than three months. During the first two months, the APP would be supported by a preceptor no less than four hours per week; in the third month, they would be supported by a preceptor no less than two hours per week.

Respiratory Therapy (RT) Staffing Committee – The Union proposed that within 90 days of ratification, the Employer and the Union would create an RT Staffing Committee, consisting of one union co-chair, one management co-chair, and five union members—including one charge RT and at least one RN from floors with high respiratory care census. The committee would develop a staffing plan and matrix within 90 days of the committee launch, after which it would meet monthly so that members could review short staffing forms and determine steps necessary to meet the staffing plan.

COVID-19 Vaccine – The Union proposed that the Employer would provide COVID-19 vaccinations and testing for all employees.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – The Union proposed that the Employer would conduct bi-weekly quality control audits of all Powered Air-Purifying Respirators used, that any employee could request ad-hoc quality control audits of PPE, and that faulty equipment would be pulled from circulation. The Union also proposed that upon request, any employee would have access to N-95 masks, facial shields, and other PPE.

Personal Safety Alert Device – The Union proposed that all employees in the PES and Inpatient Psych units would be provided a Personal Safety Alert device that would have an intercom function and that would function under all standard working conditions and practices. The Union also proposed that Personal Safety Alert data would not be used to track employees for the purposes of any corrective action.

De-escalation Trainings – The Union proposed that the Employer would provide in-person de-escalation and Code Grey trainings each year to all employees. These trainings would include de-escalation tactics, safe and humane restraint usage, and proper use and administration of Code Greys.

Security – The Union proposed that all entrances to the Emergency Department would be staffed by security officers employed by HMC at all hours of the day, and that security measures would include screening of all patients and visitors for weapons.

Health and Safety – The Union proposed that policies regarding health and safety would be subject to the grievance procedure set forth in the collective bargaining agreement and could be filed at Step 2, and that the Health and Safety article would also apply to Airlift NW.

UW Medicine Financial Presentation

Jacqueline Cabe, Chief Financial Officer for UW Medicine, delivered a presentation reviewing UW Medicine’s financial situation, summarizing COVID-19’s impact on the healthcare system, the effects of COVID relief funds, the current state of the budget and forecasts for the future.

The financial presentation is available here.

Next Steps

The next UW and SEIU 1199 HMC/ALNW bargaining session is scheduled for May 25 and will be held virtually.