Labor Relations

UW – UAW Negotiations Recap for April 1 & 5, 2021


This recap details the third and fourth session for the renewal of the collective bargaining agreement between the UW and UAW, set to expire on April 30, 2021. Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.

Tentative Agreements

The parties reached a tentative agreement for current contract language for the following articles:

Article 4 – Appointments and Reappointment Notification and Job Description
Article 6 – Discipline or Dismissal
Article 14 – Job Posting
Article 15 – Job Titles and Classifications
Article 19 – No strikes, no lockouts
Article 21 – Parking and Transit
Article 22 – Personnel Files
Article 24 – Subcontracting
Article 25 – Summer Non-registered Graduate Research Student Assistants
Article 26 – Training
Article 30 – Union Security
Article 31 – Voluntary Community Action Program (VCAP)
Article 36 – Workspace Materials
MOU – Immigration Status and Work Authorization

April 5

Employer Proposals

The Employer proposed a three-year contract to include the following proposals:

  • Childcare: The Employer proposed effective Fall Quarter 2022, to increase the childcare fund from $60,000 to $65,000. Effective Fall Quarter 2023, the University proposed to increase the amount individual eligible ASEs receive per quarter from $1,250 to $1,350 and to increase the Childcare fund to $70,200.
  • Tuition and Fees: The Employer proposed maintaining current contract language and maintaining the FTE appointments.
  • Grievance Procedure: The Employer proposed to delete that Step 1 is optional and instead that it should be dealt with at the lowest possible level, however if mutual agreement is made by both parties, Step 1 could be skipped and filed at Step 2. The employer also proposed to remove language regarding the quarter arbitration hearings.
  • Holidays: The Employer proposed the new name change for the day after Thanksgiving to Native American Heritage Day. The Employer also proposed the personal holiday be tracked in Workday starting July 1, 2022.
  • Hourly Pay Scale Transparency: The employer proposed to delete reference to 2018.
  • Insurance Programs: The Employer proposed to increase the covered amount for out-of-network (claims paid based upon allowed charges) gender affirming medical services to match the in-network amount of 90% for all three years the CBA. The Employer agreed to provide the preliminary GAIP file with redacted ASE Social Security numbers once per year for the upcoming year plan (October 1 to September 30).
  • Layoff: The Employer proposed to remove reference to the University handbook.
  • Leaves of Absence: The Employer proposed some housekeeping changes to reflect a change in terminology – sick leave is updated to sick time off. In addition, the Employer proposed language to clarify the prorating of sick time off and introduced language regarding tracking time off in Workday effective July 1, 2022.
  • Non-discrimination and Harassment: The Employer proposed to maintain the proposal of a separate MOU regarding EPIC and to include the Executive Order 31 link into this article to provide consistency with the policies already in place.
  • Union Rights: The Employer proposed to maintain current contract language and offer the GAIP preliminary file once per year to the Union (see Insurance Programs).
  • Vacation: The Employer proposed language to clarify the amount of vacation time off ASE receive each quarter. The employer proposed language regarding the tracking of vacation time off in Workday effective beginning July 1, 2022.
  • Wages: The Employer proposed the Global Challenge State median or a 1% increase from the calculation July 1, 2022 to be effective July 1, 2023. The Employer proposed hourly ASE’s minimum rate increase of 1% as of July 1, 2023 in addition to any increases by the City of Seattle.
  • Workload: The Employer proposed language to clarify existing practice of time off that contributes to the 220 hour limit.
  • New Article, Resignation and Abandonment: The Employer maintained its March 15 proposal.
  • U-PASS: The Employer proposed all eligible employees would receive a fully subsidized U-PASS through Spring Quarter 2024.
  • PBFs at IHME: The Employer updated wage language to reflect the continuation of wages from 2020 negotiations. The employee also included language regarding the continuation of the fully subsidized U-PASS through Spring Quarter 2024. The employer maintained its previous proposal regarding incorporating the PBF vacation MOU and the PBF Preamble language.

April 1

UAW Proposals

The Union proposed a one-year what-if package of proposals including:

  • Childcare: The Union proposed their per child per quarter amount from $2,100 to match the rate of the UW Childcare systems paid out for infants.
  • Wages: In response to the Employer, the Union removed reference to the variable rate, but otherwise maintained their previous proposal regarding the base rate increasing to match the top of the Global Challenge States (GCS), adjust for cost of living. The proposal included an increase to hourly ASE rates by the same percentage.
  • Fee and Tuition Waivers: The Union proposed to maintain their initial proposal regarding fee and tuition waivers
  • Insurance Programs: The Union proposed to maintain their previous proposal regarding Graduate Appointee Insurance Plan (GAIP).
  • Non-discrimination and Harassment: The Union agreed to remove references to the University handbook, but otherwise maintained their previous proposal on current contract language. They also maintained their proposal to move the Sexual Harassment and Prevention Training MOU (re-titled to Empowering Prevention & Inclusive Communities – EPIC) to this article as well as maintained their language regarding equity teams and an International and Immigrant ASE fund.
  • Union Rights: The Union is maintaining their proposal on Union Rights from March 15.
  • New MOU – U-PASS: The Union proposed to accept the U-PASS proposed from April 1 for a fully subsidized U-PASS through Summer Quarter 2022.
  • New Article: Individual Development Plans:  The Union maintains its proposal from March 12.

Employer Proposals

The Employer provided a presentation by Parker, Smith and Feek regarding renewal of the GAIP Healthcare plan. The Employer proposed a one-year what-if package effective upon ratification of proposals including:

  • Childcare: The Employer proposed to increase the amount of the ASE Childcare fund from 60k to 70k.
  • Appointment and Reappointment Notification and Job Description: The Employer proposed to include UW Benefits Office and LifeWise contact Information in the ASE offer letters.
  • Tuition and Fees: The Employer proposed maintaining current contract language and maintaining the FTE appointments.
  • Insurance Programs: The Employer proposed its March 15 proposal.
  • Non- Discrimination and Harassment: The Employer proposed to maintain current contract language. The proposal would reference Executive Order 31 on discrimination, harassment and sexual harassment to capture the most recent policy.
  • Union Security: The Employer proposed its March 15 proposal.
  • Wages: The Employer proposed no increases as part of this one-year proposal.
  • NEW MOU – U-PASS: The Employer proposed a fully subsidized UPASS through Summer 2022 for eligible ASEs.
  • Appendix II – PBFs at IHME: The Employer proposed the terms of agreement from 2020 and would continue that agreement. The Employer agreed to incorporate the agreed PBF preamble and the PBF Vacation MOU into Appendix II
  • Immigration and Work Authorization MOU: The employer agreed to delete references to 2018 and 2019 and amended the current contract language that parties meet up to 4 times per year upon request.
  • Paid Family Medical Leave: The Employer proposed updates to reflect the changes in law regarding the WA PFML program.
  • New Article – Resignation and Abandonment: The Employer maintains its March 15 proposal which would provide a process if an employee abandons their job.
  • MOU – EPIC: The Employer proposed to provide Summer quarter funding for the existing two 50% ASEs. The employer also updated language regarding the delivery of the training.

Next Steps

The next UW-UAW bargaining session is scheduled for April 12.