Labor Relations

UW & UAW Postdocs Negotiations Recap for November 6, 18 and December 16, 2020


This recap details the first, second, and third virtual session for the collective bargaining agreement between the University and UAW Postdocs. Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.

During the first and second sessions, the parties were able to tentatively agree to current contract language on much of the collective bargaining agreement. Remaining articles include Appointments and Reappointments, Childcare, Healthcare, Corrective Action and Dismissal, Layoff, Wages, MOU on EPIC training and Duration.

Union Proposals

Appointments – The Union proposed to increase the temporary appointments for Postdoctoral Scholars from five to six years to include two year increments.

Childcare – The Union proposed an increase the Postdoctoral Scholar childcare fund from $30,000 to $100,000 per year.

Epic Training – The Union proposed Empowering Prevention and Inclusive Communities (EPIC) trainings would be made available to Postdoctoral Scholars to include mandatory trainings for all ASEs and Postdoctoral Scholars in the department or hiring unit where training is scheduled. The Union proposed that they would designate up to 40 ASEs or Postdoctoral Scholars to implement the Peer Equity programs and they would be provided 8 hours of paid training and a stipend of $250 per quarter.

Next Steps

The next UW and UAW Postdocs bargaining session is scheduled for January 13, 2021.