Labor Relations

UW IHME & SEIU 925 Negotiations Recap for June 1, 2020


This recap details the sixth virtual session for the initial collective bargaining agreement between the UW IHME and SEIU 925. Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.

Union Initial Proposals

Sick Leave – The Union proposed language stating that sick leave can be used for both any physical or mental illness. The Union proposed to expand the definition of family member as it pertains to sick leave usage to include a partner or any person with whom the employee cohabitates. 

Miscellaneous Leave – The Union proposed that requests for leave without pay would not be unreasonably denied. The Union proposed to include provisions regarding leave for organ donors and emergency services personnel.

Unpaid Holidays for Faith or Conscience – The Union proposed language to increase the amount of leave without pay that would be granted for a reason of faith or conscience from two to five workdays per calendar year. Additionally, the Union proposed that these requests could not be denied by the Employer for any reason.

Professional Development Funds – The Union proposed that all employees would receive a basic needs yearly stipend of $500 for reimbursement of job-related learning materials. On a quarterly basis, employees could apply for larger stipends to cover professional development materials and activities. If activities are during the workday, the employee could obtain approval from their supervisor, and would not be required to use leave.

Innovation Time – The Union proposed that 10% of a regular employee’s work time would be spent on innovation, researching, learning, discussions and experimentation and would notify their supervisor of innovation time.

Career Pathways – The Union proposed that Career Pathway creation or review could be initiated by either the Employer or the Union. The Union would be included in career pathway research, development and review impacting bargaining unit employees.

Job Shadowing – The Union proposed that job shadowing opportunities of different classifications throughout IHME would be made available upon request, aimed at the employee attaining job skills needed to apply for future openings.

Paid Professional Leave – The Union proposed that employees with five years of services at IHME would be eligible to take up to nine months of paid professional leave. Upon completion of the professional leave, the employee would provide accomplishments and the project benefits to the UW IHME. The employee would be obligated to work for the Employer for a period of one year following their professional leave

Childcare – The Union proposed that the University would create a fund to assist in childcare expenses by contributing half of one percent of bargaining unit payroll per year. The Union would be responsible for determining eligibility criteria and distributing the funds.

Washington Paid Family Medical Leave Program (PFML) – The Union proposed that any employee taking leave through PFML would be returned to their original position or an equivalent position, so long as the employee has worked at least 180 calendar days with the University. Additional language states that an employee not offered the opportunity to return to their original position or an equivalent position would be considered laid off and the employee would retain all layoff options and rehire rights. The Union proposed that the Employer would pay the employee share of the PFML program premium in lieu of deductions from employee’ paychecks.

Parental Leave – The Union proposed parental leave would not be required to be taken consecutively. 

Joint Union Management and Committees – The Union proposed to have eight bargaining unit employees on the joint union management committee. The Union proposed that requests may be made to the Employer to conduct a survey of employees regarding matters of general concern, or for the Employer to provide progress reports regarding implementation of any decisions agreed upon at Joint Union Management Committee meetings. For regularly scheduled meetings, the Union proposed that both the Union and Employer alternate between setting the agenda and leading the meeting. The Union proposed that time spent in meetings would be considered time worked and that supervisors would make accommodations for employees to attend Joint Union Management Committee meetings.

Employer Proposals

Compensation – The Employer proposed an article outlining the rules that correspond to the compensation concept presented at the last session, specifically related to promotion into higher market range, lateral movement and voluntary movement or reclassification to a job class with a lower market range. The proposal also covers in-grade salary adjustments, pay over market maximum, and increases for entire job classes for recruitment and retention.

Overtime – The Employer proposed an overtime article with a section pertaining specifically to employees that are overtime-eligible and another for those in the bargaining unit that are overtime-exempt, summarizing existing conditions.

Classification and Reclassification – The Employer proposed language based in part on the existing article contained within the main SEIU 925 agreement and process. The proposal would afford these employees of a new process in the form of a position review, where either the Employer or an employee representative may request review for best fit. A written response would be issued within sixty calendar days of receipt, and the review includes an appeals process.

Next Steps

The next UW IHME and SEIU 925 bargaining session is scheduled for June 11