Labor Relations

UW – UWHA Negotiations Recap for August 15, 2019


This recap details the sixth session for the renewal of the collective bargaining agreement between the UW and UWHA. Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.

Employer Initial Proposals

Childcare – The Employer proposed to streamline this article by referring to the applicable Administrative Policy Statement that outlines childcare center eligibility and priority. Throughout the UW’s initial proposals, the Employer stated a general preference to refer to existing policy rather than reiterate it in the contract, when appropriate.

Committees – The Employer proposed to update the existing list of UWMC and HMC committees that UWHA residents have a designated seat on.

Duration – The Employer proposed a new article stating the duration of the contract as the ratification date through June 30, 2022. The UW proposed that if either party requests negotiation of the successor agreement between January 1 – January 31, 2022, the parties would begin bargaining at a mutually agreeable time in March.

Grievance Procedure – The Employer proposed to standardize the existing grievance procedure to more closely align with the processes outlined in other UW collective bargaining agreements. Specifically, the Employer proposed language that would require the Union to file a grievance within thirty days of an occurrence. Upon mutual agreement, the UW proposed that Step One, Two or Three may be skipped.

The Employer proposed to eliminate the existing Step Three Committee process, in favor of Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC) mediation. The UW proposed to replace the existing arbitrator pool with an already established permanent panel of six arbitrators, to be assigned cases on a rotating basis.

Moonlighting – The Employer proposed to eliminate the majority of the existing provision and replace it with language stating that employees would have an opportunity to participate in work outside of the training program pursuant to GME policy.

Personal Holiday – The Employer proposed to clarify existing practice stating that if a paid personal holiday is not used in the calendar year it is awarded, it will be forfeit and not be paid at separation. The UW proposed language stating that it would be the responsibility of the employee to schedule their paid personal holiday to be taken before December 31 of each calendar year.

Professional Development and Licensing – The Employer proposed to eliminate the current option to roll over unused professional development funds to successive training years.

General Wage Increases – The Employer proposed to increase wages across-the-board by 1% ninety days after contract ratification, and 1% on July 1, 2020.

Transportation – The Employer proposed language stating that parking during nights and weekends may be provided at no charge, but that would ultimately be determined by each training site. Additionally, the Employer proposed to eliminate bike related provisions and encourage discussion around how bike expenses could potentially be rolled up into a travel allowance for all members. The Employer proposed to eliminate language requiring the UW to provide Union notice related to parking policy changes, as the Union already has a resident and alternate on the University Transportation Committee, which makes the policy determinations.

Union Activities – The Employer proposed a new article to include the process for information requests and guidelines for the usage of state resources. The UW proposed that UWHA provide notification of newly elected executive board members to GME and Labor Relations by July 1 of each year.

WA Paid Family Medical Leave – The Employer proposed a new provision regarding the Washington State Family and Medical Leave Program, which goes into effect beginning January 1, 2020, and eligibility for and approval of leave under the program should be in accordance with the relevant law. The Employer will adhere to the remainder of the provisions outlined in the law. The UW proposed to eliminate the existing extended leave provision, and replace that provision with a new article on WA Paid Family Medical Leave.

Next Steps

The next UW and UWHA bargaining session is scheduled for August 20.