Labor Relations

UW – SEIU 1199 Negotiations Recap for May 14, 2019


This recap details the sixth session for the renewal of the collective bargaining agreement between the UW and SEIU 1199, and the second session specific to Airlift Northwest (ALNW). Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.

SEIU 1199 Counter Proposals

Prior to presenting any proposal responses, representatives from across SEIU 1199 bargaining units expressed overarching dissatisfaction for the Employer’s initial ALNW proposals presented on May 9.

Seasonal/Cyclic Appointments The Union rejected the Employer’s proposal to include contract language defining a seasonal/cyclic employee, stating that ALNW services should be available on a year round basis.  In the event ALNW were to utilize seasonal/cyclic appointments in the future, the Employer would provide notice and an opportunity for the Union to bargain the impacts.

Mileage and Per Diem Policy The Union rejected the Employer’s proposal to cite existing University and ALNW travel policy for mileage and reimbursement provisions.  SEIU 1199 has submitted a demand to bargain ALNW’s updated Per Diem Reimbursement Policy, and wants to leave existing contract language intact, pending that conversation.

Aircraft Out of Service The Union proposed to incorporate the Employer’s proposal to increase paid drive time back to an employee’s original base from one (1) to one and a half (1.5) hours from Boeing Field for Arlington and Bremerton.

Nurse Replacement The Union rejected the Employer’s proposal to eliminate contract language that requires ALNW RNs be paid at least time and one half for all sick leave coverage, regardless of total hours worked in a work period.

Next Steps

The next UW-SEIU 1199 bargaining sessions are scheduled for May 22 and 23. Subsequent ALNW sessions have not been scheduled.