Labor Relations

UW – SEIU 1199 Negotiations Recap for May 9, 2019


This recap details the fifth session for the renewal of the collective bargaining agreement between the UW and SEIU 1199, and the first session specific to Airlift Northwest (ALNW). Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.

ALNW Financial Presentation

Cindy McFeely, General Account Manager for ALNW, delivered a presentation reviewing the fiscal year 2020 budget.  The financial presentation is available online.

SEIU 1199 Initial Proposals

Reassignment Premium – SEIU 1199 proposed to eliminate the MOU that provides for a $3.00 premium for work on a different base should an employee be reassigned when their original flight partner is unexpectedly absent.  The Union stated that the proposal to eliminate the premium is in part due to the parties’ differing interpretations of the language in the MOU.

Education Support Funds Pool – As proposed at the main table, the Union proposed that the amount of education funds unused within the prior fiscal year would be added to the next fiscal year’s budget as a pool of available funds, for ALNW specifically. Within two months of the new fiscal year, employees would be able to receive pooled funds, which would be awarded by seniority.

Premiums – SEIU 1199 proposed the following premium rate changes for ALNW RNs in conjunction with what was presented at the main table:

  • BSN – from $0.50 to $1.00 per hour
  • Certification Pay – from $1.00 to $1.25 per hour
  • ECMO – $4.00 per hour as an ECMO RN (new premium)

Contracting Out – SEIU 1199 proposed that the main contract language regarding contracting out would apply to the ALNW bargaining unit.  Existing language in the main contract states that the Employer will not contract out work that results in the layoff of bargaining unit employees employed prior to the execution or renewal of the existing CBA.

Successorship – SEIU 1199 proposed new language that in the event of a successorship would require any successor organization to remain bound by all provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.  No successorship plans have been presented to date.

UW Initial Proposals

The Employer made proposals throughout the ALNW article to cleanup and remove language that pertained specifically to Harborview employees, and not ALNW.

Seasonal/Cyclic Appointments The Employer proposed new language that would define a seasonal/cyclic employee as one who is classified and regularly scheduled for approximately the same months each year in an appointment that is anticipated to last a minimum of five but less than twelve months in duration.  After completing probation, employees with seasonal/cyclic appointments would assume the rights of employees with permanent status.  ALNW does not currently have nor has plans to implement seasonal/cyclic appointments.

Mileage and Per Diem Policy The Employer proposed language cleanup that would refer employees to existing University and ALNW travel policy for mileage and reimbursement provisions.

Stuck Out of Town The Employer proposed new language stating that the Employer may send crews home via airlines instead of being stuck out of town, and would reimburse the employee’s airline ticket and transportation to the airport.  Once a decision is made, the employee would be paid for four hours extra straight time for a flight home from Seattle, three hours from Anchorage, and one and a half hours from Sitka.

Compensatory Time Cash Out The Employer proposed new language stating that all compensatory time must be used by June 30 of each year or would be cashed out on that date.  Compensatory time may also be cashed out when an employee transfers to a position in their department with a different funding source, or transfers to a position in another department.  This is the same language in other Union contracts at the University, including the SEIU 1199 Research/Hall Health unit.

Work Schedules The Employer made proposals around work schedules aimed at increasing flexibility when unexpected staff absences occur, and providing options for filling those unexpected schedule holes with regular straight time.

Weekend Premium – The Employer proposed to redefine the weekend premium to be paid on all hours worked on the weekend, defined as from 12:00am Saturday until 12:00am Monday for ease of accounting purposes.

JLMs – The Employer proposed to hold JLMs quarterly rather than monthly, and proposed that agenda items must be provided at least fourteen business days in advance of the meeting.

Job Posting & Transfer – When selecting between internal candidates, the Employer proposed that if all other qualifications are considered equal, seniority would be the determining factor.  Seniority would be defined as the length of unbroken service with ALNW.  The UW proposed to shorten the length of time a nurse position is posted internally to seven days as opposed to two weeks, to speed up the hiring process.

Certification Pay – The Employer proposed language from the main contract that states certification pay is not intended for certifications that are required to perform the job.

Seniority – The Employer proposed to move applicable seniority, layoff, and rehire language from the main contract into the ALNW article.  The UW proposed new language regarding seniority and seniority tiebreakers, in attempt to further clarify the process.

Next Steps

The next UW-SEIU 1199 ALNW bargaining session is scheduled for May 14.