Labor Relations

UW – WFSE Negotiations Recap August 6, 2018


This recap details portions of the ninth session for the renewal of the collective bargaining agreement between the UW and WFSE, set to expire on June 30, 2019. Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.

Tentative Agreements

The parties signed tentative agreements to close the following provisions:

  • Article 16 – Holidays
    • Added language clarifying current practice that Employees must be in pay status for at least four hours on the last scheduled work shift preceding the holiday (to be paid for a holiday not worked)
    • Added language stating time spent on temporary layoff (furlough) is considered time in paid status
  • Article 28 – Inclement Weather and Suspended Operations
    • Added holiday credit as an allowable leave type for inclement weather related absences
    • Established an order for leave usage during suspended operations starting with compensatory time and/or holiday credit, vacation time off, and personal holiday, and lastly leave without pay (if the other listed leave types have been exhausted)
  • Article 55 – Contract Publication
    • Maintained current contract language with housekeeping edits
  • Appendix IV – Layoff Seniority Units
    • Maintained current contract language

Union Proposals

Disability Separation – WFSE modified its proposal to state the Employer would be required to provide in writing any denied modified duty options that were considered, and any reasons for denial.

WFSE proposed that employees who are disability separated would have eighteen months to request placement on the rehire list (after being medically cleared) for any classifications in which the employee has held permanent status, and for lower classifications in the same series.  For all other classifications in which the employee has the necessary skills and abilities, the employee would be added to the rehire lists, after the most junior employee.

Vacant Shifts – In response to the Employer’s counter proposal, WFSE adopted UW’s language stating employees would be allowed to bid on vacant shifts by department seniority, but proposed that bids would not be restricted to the employee’s work unit and instead could span any work group/unit.

Double Shifts – WFSE maintained its proposal stating that employees would not be required to work more than sixteen consecutive hours, including rest breaks and lunch periods (a double shift).  The proposal stated that employees would not work more than two double shifts in a week, unless it was voluntary and for unusual circumstances.  The Union proposed that an employee have a minimum of eight hours off following a double shift and be ineligible for any work assignment during that time.  If the eight-hour break would cut into an employee’s regularly scheduled shift, they would still be paid for that time while resting.

Schedule Assignment Notification – WFSE maintained its proposal for the Employer to pay one additional hour if a temporary schedule change is made within less than two days, and if an employee came in and was sent home early, the Employer would pay for half of the hours not worked.

WFSE maintained its proposal to increase the amount of notice required for a permanent shift change from fourteen days to thirty.

Time clocks – WFSE maintained its proposal that would give employees a grace period of seven minutes before and seven minutes after a shift to clock in or out without being subject to discipline.

Trial Service Period – Currently employees who promote or move laterally serve a six-month trial service period and any paid or unpaid leave taken during that time extends the length of the trial service period by the amount of leave taken.  WFSE initially proposed that any time off taken would not extend the trial service period unless it was time in excess of six weeks.  The Union modified its proposal so that trial service would be extended on a day-for-day basis for any days an employee is off except time for military, sick, bereavement, civil duty, and FMLA leave.

Fixed Duration Appointments (FDAs) – WFSE rejected the Employer’s proposal to eliminate language stating that FDAs may only be used to fill leave of absences and/or temporary projects.

Joint Union/Management Committees – Earlier in the day, the Employer integrated WFSE’s language on holding quarterly departmental JLMs in Facilities Services, Housing and Food Services, UWMC, and Harborview Medical Center.  In response, WFSE integrated the Employer’s language that would require agenda items and release requests be submitted at least fifteen days in advance of the meeting, or either party could cancel.  The Union maintained its proposal that ad hoc JLMs could be scheduled by either party rather than mutual agreement.

Alternative Work Schedules for Building Services (UW Seattle Campus) – In response to the Employer’s counter proposal, WFSE proposed that the an alternative work schedule pilot committee would be formed within thirty days of the contract’s effective date.  The committee would consist of three bargaining unit members selected by the Union, including one custodial supervisor, and three University representatives.

UW Proposals

Licensure and Certification – The Employer rejected WFSE’s proposal that would place the financial responsibility for maintenance of licenses and certifications to the Employer.  UW proposed language indicating that individual departments could reimburse employees for maintained and renewal costs, if they so choose.

Mandatory Subjects – UW withdrew its proposal to change the amount of time the Union has to request negotiations over a change after receiving written notice, and proposed to maintain current contract language on that section (thirty days).

Steward Representational Duties – The Employer maintained its proposal to leave jurisdiction language as is.  UW rejected WFSE’s proposal that would require the Employer to release members of the Union’s bargaining team for all bargaining sessions, without taking into account business needs.

Temporary Employees – UW rejected WFSE’s proposal to extend all aspects of the corrective action/dismissal article to temporary employees.

Next Steps

The next UW-WFSE bargaining session is scheduled for August 14.