UW – SEIU 1199 Negotiations Recap for May 31, 2017
This recap details the 9th session for the renewal of the collective bargaining agreement between the UW and SEIU 1199. Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.
Tentative Agreements
The parties signed tentative agreements to close the following provisions:
- Article 28 – Mandatory Subjects
- MOU – Reporting Hours Worked for Per Diem Nurses
SEIU 1199 Proposals
Hours of Work – In response to UW’s proposal, SEIU 1199 rejected language stating that a missed rest break or meal period not documented in Kronos would be considered as taken.
SEIU proposed language stating that paid sick leave would not count toward the calculation of overtime for scheduled shifts.
In response to UW’s proposal, SEIU 1199 proposed language that would limit required scheduled shift changes to two per month, and maintained their proposal that would require forty-eight hours off between shift changes.
SEIU 1199 maintained their interest in:
- Options of fixed scheduled shifts and hours, or adjustable shifts for healthcare specialists and social workers
- Twelve-hour rest breaks between shifts
- Current contract language regarding work schedules posting protocols
MOUs: SEIU 1199 maintained their interest in retaining the following unchanged MOUs, carried over to the 2017-2019 contract:
- Break relief
- Charge Nurse JLM
- Meal Breaks, Rest Breaks, and Missed Break Reporting
- Pre-scheduling Overtime Shifts for Permanent Nurses
MOU: Negotiations for the 2017-2019 Agreement – In response to UW’s proposal, SEIU 1199 proposed language stating that the parties would exchange at least ten available dates for bargaining by January 31, 2019, and make a good faith effort to begin bargaining by February 28, 2019. SEIU 1199 proposed to increase their paid bargaining team from thirteen to sixteen members.
MOU: Standby – In response to UW’s proposal, SEIU 1199 maintained its proposal regarding call/standby, but agreed to move it to an MOU. The proposed language emphasized that call and standby would not be used to fill vacant positions or cover predictable absences. The union proposed that JLMs would be utilized to come up with call guidelines for applicable departments.
MOU: Social Work Staffing Committee – In response to UW’s proposal, SEIU 1199 proposed the addition of a mutually agreed upon researcher from the School of Social Work to the committee. The union proposed that the workgroup would meet at least four hours, once a month, until a resolution is agreed upon.
SEIU 1199 proposed that aggregate data demonstrating inadequate staffing and/or overburdened workloads would result in increased hiring practices.
MOU: JLM Team Members and Union Delegate Training – In response to UW’s proposal, SEIU 1199 proposed language that would require employer paid training on institutional racism within six months of the union providing a list of participants, after contract ratification.
MOU: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion – In response to UW’s proposal, SEIU 1199 proposed to add two members to be on the committee. The union proposed language stating that the parties would implement related in-person training for all staff and managers.
SEIU 1199 proposed language that would require the employer to regularly provide the union with information regarding policies related to handling of discrimination related issues, and the hospital plan for equity and inclusion.
UW Proposals
Economic Proposals
UW proposed an economic package consisting of the following:
General Wage Increases – UW maintained its proposed general wage increases of 1 percent on January 1, 2018, and another 1 percent on July 1, 2018.
Certification Pay – UW maintained its proposal to add a $1.00 certification pay for health care specialists.
MOU: Non-monetary steps – UW maintained its proposed MOU that would eliminate non-monetary steps by redistributing the values for all pay ranges on pay tables BC and BS, and added pay table BQ.
MOU: END Technologist Market Increases – In response to SEIU 1199’s proposal, UW proposed two pay range increases on July 1, 2017 for all classifications in the END Technologist series, placing them on the new range at the same step to which they are assigned, (in addition to any across the board raise).
MOU: Harborview Nursing Scholarships – In response to SEIU 1199’s proposal, UW proposed to maintain current contract language and scholarship amounts, while extending the MOU to the 2017-2019 contract.
Other Proposals
Licenses/Certifications – In response to SEIU 1199’s proposal, UW proposed a compromise that would require employees to notify their appointing authority within thirty-six hours of the expiration, restriction, revocation, or suspension of a work-related license or certification, including for positions requiring a valid driver’s license.
UW maintained its proposal to allow the parties to mutually extend the probationary period in three month increments, up to an additional six months, not to exceed twelve months total.
Privacy – In response to SEIU 1199’s proposal, UW proposed to return to its original proposal regarding privacy, in which the employer would make a reasonable attempt to notify affected current employees when they are named in a public disclosure request.
MOU: Respiratory Care Practitioners Certification Pay – UW proposed an MOU that would become effective on July 1, 2018 and provide certification pay for respiratory care practitioners certified in their specialty area by a national organization and working in that area of certification. This would not include certification that is required for the job.
Market Adjustments – UW maintained its proposal to eliminate language in Side Letter A that would allow the parties to meet at least quarterly to address and bargain wage issues based on market adjustments, and recruitment and retention issues. This language was introduced during the 2008 economic recession, and is no longer relevant.
Next Steps
The next UW-SEIU 1199 bargaining session is scheduled for June 2.