Labor Relations

UW Proposes Classification and Pay Range Updates for Supply Chain: September 14, 2016

After months of discussion, planning, and weighing staff and union input, UW Medicine Supply Chain leadership has proposed restructuring the classification system to more accurately reflect the current work and the future trajectory of Supply Chain at Harborview Medical Center and University of Washington Medical Center.

Through the collective bargaining process, management has proposed to consolidate several jobs with similar duties into three new job classifications and to form a new class series of work, which would come with updated class specifications and result in pay range increases for nearly all employees involved.

This updated classification and pay structure will more closely reflect the work that is actually done, help to address shared concerns about outdated job descriptions and class specifications, establish equity across disparate job classes, and create significant opportunities for career advancement (career ladder). These changes will also provide more standardization and greater opportunities for cross-training and coverage.

See UW’s latest proposal here, which is part of UW’s September 14 economic package.

UW’s proposed classification specifications read as follows:
Supply Chain Technician 1
Supply Chain Technician 2
Supply Chain Lead