Negotiations Recap for May 9, 2016
This recap summarizes the 25th bargaining session between the UW and the UWHA to form the first union contract for UW medical and dental residents and fellows (collectively called “Residents” below). This was the 11th session to be facilitated by a State-appointed mediator.
UWHA delivered several proposals, including a counter to UW’s proposed payment to help alleviate the cost of needing to live in centrally-located, high-cost areas of Seattle for Residents in programs requiring home call. The union reported that UW’s home call proposal was inadequate without significantly expanding the amount paid and the scope of eligible Residents. UW reiterated concern over the cost of UWHA’s proposals and the distance between the parties’ positions at this point in the bargaining process.
UWHA Proposals
Stipend Increases – UWHA proposed stipend increases as follows:
Effective upon Ratification: 3 percent across-the-board increase.
Subsequent Increases: 3 percent across-the-board increases each year for the next two contract years.
Home Call Stipend – UWHA proposed expansions to UW’s proposed home call stipend (intended to help alleviate the cost of needing to live in centrally-located, high-cost areas of Seattle), reporting that UW’s proposal was inadequate.
UWHA proposed a monthly lump sum payment of $200 per Resident upon ratification, which would increase each subsequent contract year by $100 per month, reaching $4,800 for academic year 2018. The union also removed the condition that this benefit would apply to only Residents who are required by their programs to take home call, instead proposing that it apply to all Residents.
Transportation and Travel Expenses – UWHA maintained its proposal to increase UW’s proposed travel allowance to $1,190 per year per Resident.
Moonlighting – UWHA proposed combining internal and external moonlighting into one article. UWHA also proposed several changes to the moonlighting eligibility requirements:
Program Performance: UWHA proposed that Residents must perform at or above average in their program as assessed according to the most recent six months of Milestones.
Duty Hours: UWHA struck UW’s language stating that moonlighting may not be feasible where a rotation regularly requires duty hours up to or close to Residents’ duty hour limits.
Grant Restrictions: UWHA proposed to prevent departments from adding language prohibiting clinical activity into grants that do not specifically forbid such activities. Any such language that already exists would be removed or nullified from grant renewals submitted after execution of the contract.
Tentative Agreement
Professional Leave – UW tentatively agreed to UWHA’s proposal to allow for up to five days of paid professional leave per academic year per Resident for activities such as presenting scholarly work at a professional meeting, sitting for exams, or participating in interviews. Additional days in excess of five could be granted at the discretion of the program director.
Senior Residents’ requests will receive priority, and all requests will be subject to prior approval by the program director.
Next Steps
The next UW-UWHA bargaining mediation session is scheduled for May 23.