Labor Relations

Gender-Neutral Restroom Initiative Update: April 20, 2016

UW has undertaken efforts to improve access to gender-neutral restrooms across campus. University representatives met with UAW Local 4121 on April 20, 2016, to provide an update on UW’s progress and to involve the union in the data verification process.

Happening Now

Crews from UW Facilities Services are currently engaged in two main tasks:

  1. Confirming the locations of single-occupant restrooms with a toilet and zero or one urinal.
  2. Changing signage and replacing locks on single-occupant restrooms in priority buildings (such as Condon Hall). Signs are being produced in-house by UW staff.

Conversions in nine buildings have been completed so far. Facilities Services’ goal is to complete these conversion efforts across campus by the end of this summer.

Coming Up

UW Facilities crews anticipate having updated data on this initiative before the end of Spring Quarter. UW invited the union to meet with Facilities Services’ leadership at this time to assess the data and progress to date.