Labor Relations

Negotiations Recap for February 23, 2016

This recap summarizes the eighth session between the UW and SEIU 925 to incorporate UWMC physical therapists into the SEIU 925-UW collective bargaining agreement.

SEIU 925 Package Proposal

SEIU 925 delivered the following proposals as a package, in which all provisions would need to be accepted in their entirety.

Pay Range Placements – SEIU 925 proposed the following pay table placements for physical therapists:

  • Physical Therapist 1: BG 93.

  • Physical Therapist 2: BH 4.

  • Physical Therapist 3: BH 8.

  • Physical Therapist Specialist: BH 15.

Certification Premium – SEIU 925 maintained its proposal for an hourly pay premium of $1.25 for physical therapists with qualifying certifications. The union also proposed additional qualifying certifications.

Weekend Differential – SEIU 925 proposed to increase the weekend pay differential to $3.00 per hour, an increase from its previous proposal.

Preceptor Differential – SEIU 925 maintained its proposal to introduce a preceptor pay differential of $2 per hour for precepting new employees and transfers.

Scheduling Weekend Work – SEIU 925 proposed that UW Medical Center schedule physical therapists such that 38 rotate and work every fourth weekend, and 12 work a fixed schedule with one weekend day.

  • Assigning Fixed Schedules: The fixed weekend schedules would first be offered to volunteers, following which, those remaining would be assigned in order of reverse departmental seniority.

  • Bidding Cycles: Physical therapists would bid for fixed/rotating schedules once every six months.

  • Trial Period: This proposed schedule would be in place for at least two years, after which it would remain if it met operational and staffing needs. If such needs were not met, the union proposed that the parties return to bargaining to develop an alternative solution.

Movement to Physical Therapist 3 – SEIU 925 maintained its proposal for employees to be automatically moved to the Physical Therapist 3 job class after working for one year in the Physical Therapist 2 job class.

Movement to Physical Therapist 2 – SEIU 925 maintained its proposal to memorialize that movement from Physical Therapist 1 to the Physical Therapist 2 job class is based on obtaining licensure.

Per Diem – SEIU 925 maintained its proposal for per diem staff to be placed on the new pay table at the same pay step they occupied on the old pay table, and that they receive any across the board wage increases granted by the collective bargaining agreement.

Educational Leave – SEIU 925 maintained its proposal for three days of paid educational leave per year.

Education Funds – SEIU 925 maintained its proposal for $535 in education support funds per full-time equivalent (FTE) per year as a minimum, and that certain areas (such as the Stadium and Eastside clinics) provide $1,500 per FTE.

Vacation Scheduling – SEIU 925 proposed that the parties capture existing vacation scheduling practice in contract language, as well as memorializing the parties’ agreement that notice of approval/denial of a vacation request we be provided within 14 calendar days of the request.

Parental Leave – SEIU 925 maintained its proposal for physical therapists to be eligible to receive six months of parental leave. UW has made clear that the six month period referenced by the union is a State provision that applies to classified non-union employees, whereas SEIU 925-represented employees at UW are eligible for up to four months.

Additional Discussion

The parties discussed UWMC policies and procedures related to holiday and vacation scheduling, in order to ensure mutual understanding with regard to existing practices. UW also presented a resource summarizing the key components and differentiators of the Physical Therapist 1, 2, and 3 job classes to aid in the parties’ conversation on movement through the Physical Therapist job series.

Next Steps

The next UW-SEIU 925 bargaining session is scheduled for March 8.