Labor Relations

Negotiations Recap for February 1, 2016

This recap summarizes the 18th bargaining session between the UW and the UWHA to form the first union contract for UW medical and dental residents and fellows. This was the fourth session to be facilitated by a State-appointed mediator.

UW Proposals

Stipends – UW delivered a $2.4 million expansion to its previous stipend proposal, which included a recalibration of the stipend schedule and increased stipends at each R-year, as follows:

  • Recalibration: UW proposed adjusting the pay differentials between R-years to better recognize the contributions and expertise of residents and fellows in their later R-years.

  • Stipend Increases: UW proposed stipend increases of 2.5 percent upon ratification, and again in each subsequent July during the life of the contract.

  • Competitive Institutions: Even when adjusted for cost of living differentials, UW’s proposed pay is very competitive with that of other comparable institutions nationally, including unionized peer institutions to which UW is often compared. Many of these institutions are in areas where cost of living is high and rapidly rising.

  • Total Compensation: UW noted that these comparisons to other institutions do not factor in valuable non-stipend benefits, such as UW’s 100% matched retirement plan.

Childcare – UW proposed allocating $50,000 per year toward a childcare assistance fund, which would be administered and distributed by the UWHA.

Parking – UW proposed allocating $50,000 per year toward an alternative transportation fund supporting a bike program, which would be administered primarily by the UWHA.

Next Steps

The next UW-UWHA bargaining mediation session is scheduled for February 3.