Labor Relations

Negotiations Recap for November 3, 2015

Current What-If Package, 11/3/2015

  1. Economics:

    • 3% across the board for year one, effective upon ratification.
    • 2% across the board, effective 7/1/16.
    • 0.5% across the board, effective 1/1/17.
    • $200 lump sum payment upon ratification for BU members above .6 FTE.
    • $100 lump sum payment upon ratification for BU members at or below .6 FTE.
    • New top step, effective upon ratification.
  2. On-Call:

    • MOU, attached as attachment A.
    • List of eligible departments, attached as attachment B.
  3. Staffing:

    • Previous staffing proposal, attached as attachment C.
  4. Union Security:

    • Maintain existing contract language.
    • Either party has option to reopen this article after Supreme Court Friedrich decision.

What-If Package Attachments