Negotiations Recap for October 21, 2015
This recap summarizes the first session between the UW and SEIU 925 to incorporate UWMC physical therapists into the SEIU 925-UW collective bargaining agreement.
Introduction to Negotiations
UW reaffirmed that management values the work of its physical therapists immensely, and voiced its commitment to reaching an agreement that is fair and yields positive outcomes for all parties involved.
UW Proposals
Contract Format – UW proposed that the parties house provisions that are unique to physical therapists in a tailored memorandum. The parties would defer to the SEIU 925 master contract for all other provisions that are not specifically called out in the memorandum.
Pay Table Conversion – UW proposed to move bargaining unit employees to the appropriate SEIU 925 pay table and range, to be placed on the step nearest their current wages that would not reduce their pay. This movement would become effective upon execution of the parties’ bargaining agreement, and not retroactively.
Schedules and Hours of Work – UW proposed maintaining the practice of not requiring physical therapists to clock in and out, noting that physical therapists’ status as exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act allows for a degree of flexibility depending on patient and departmental needs.
UW proposed memorializing the practice of providing overtime pay for time worked beyond 80 hours in a defined 14 day period.
Fixed Duration Employees – UW proposed to align the terms of fixed duration physical therapist assignments with those of fixed duration employees covered by the SEIU 925 contract.
Layoff Language – UW proposed to incorporate physical therapists into the SEIU 925 contract provision regarding process in the event of a reduction in force.
SEIU 925 Proposals
SEIU 925 listed several articles from the existing SEIU 925 master contract proposing that each apply as-is to physical therapists.
Union Stewards – SEIU 925 proposed the addition of six union stewards to the master contract in response to the addition of the physical therapists to the bargaining unit.
Next Steps
The next UW-SEIU 925 bargaining session is scheduled for November 4.