Labor Relations

Negotiations Recap for October 13, 2015

This recap details the 12th session for the renewal of the collective bargaining agreement between UWMC and WSNA, which expired as of July 1, 2015. This was the second session to be facilitated by a State-appointed mediator.

Discussion of Outstanding Issues

The parties worked through the mediator to discuss the issues that remain outstanding, and exchanged “what-if” scenarios in an effort to make progress on the matters of staffing, mandatory on-call, union membership, and wages.

Next Steps

The parties agreed to meet again to continue negotiations on November 3. Since the contract has expired, the previous contract will remain in effect until the parties negotiate a successor agreement. Similar to the approach used across the University and in prior contract negotiations, UW has proposed not to make wage increases apply retroactively, meaning wage increases would not begin before the new contract goes into effect.