Negotiations Recap for June 17, 2015
This recap details the 11th bargaining session between the UW and the UWHA to form the first union contract for UW medical and dental residents and fellows (collectively referred to below as “trainees”).
Union Proposals
Parking – UWHA delivered a multifaceted proposal on parking, which included:
- Free Parking: UWHA proposed that trainees receive free parking at all sites.
- Extra Pay for Not Driving: UWHA proposed that trainees receive a $3 per day incentive for each day they do not drive to a work site.
- Free U-PASS: UWHA proposed that trainees who drive less than 20 percent of the time in the prior academic year receive a free U-PASS at the start of the next academic year.
- Bike Incentive: UWHA proposed that trainees receive $100 for bike maintenance for every quarter in which they bike more than 80 percent of the time.
- Bike Cages: UWHA proposed that UW guarantee free and reliable access to secure and well-lit bike cages at every training site.
Professional Leave – In response to UW’s Educational and Interview Leave proposal, UWHA proposed an expanded provision regarding professional leave. The union proposed that trainees receive at least five days of paid leave per year for activities such as attending or presenting research or other scholarly work at a professional meeting, sitting for exams, serving on professional organization committees, or participating in interviews during their final years of training.
The union struck UW’s proposed language recognizing that associated travel funds could be approved but would be at the discretion of the program, expressing its belief that this language was unnecessary since that was understood and also dealt with a different subject than leave eligibility.
UW Proposals
Professional Leave – UW accepted several elements of the union’s Professional Leave proposal, with some modifications. UW proposed language whereby trainees may receive five days of paid leave, accepting the qualifying activities outlined by the union, and days in excess of five could be granted at the discretion of the program. UW maintained the notion that in order to ensure there is no misunderstanding, it should be made clear that associated travel funds could be provided, but would be at the discretion of the program as well.
Extended Paid Leave – UW maintained its proposed extended leave benefit, through which eligible trainees could receive up to 12 weeks of paid leave during their UW appointment, and proposed additional language to clarify the process.
Management Rights – UW proposed language to memorialize several roles, rights, and responsibilities of the University and the GME Office, including decision-making authority involving patient care such as procedures, equipment, and staffing levels, educational policy such as academic standards and curricula, and assignment of duties. UW’s language also established that contract language will not supersede facility-specific practices at training sites over which the University does not have sole operational authority, but that such practices will be an appropriate topic for discussion between the UW and the union.
Next Steps
The next UW-UWHA bargaining session is scheduled for July 6.