Labor Relations

Negotiations Recap for June 9, 2015

This recap details the fifth session for the renewal of the collective bargaining agreement between the UW and WSNA.

WSNA Proposals

Variable Standby Rate – WSNA withdrew its proposal to increase the standby rate to $5 per hour after 20 standby hours in a week. WSNA maintained its proposal for standby pay to continue atop the time and one-half premium rate already awarded when nurses are called in from standby status.

Rest Breaks – WSNA proposed incorporating the parties’ existing memorandum of agreement and grievance settlement regarding rest breaks into the body of the contract.

Union Orientation – WSNA integrated UW’s proposal to broaden the nurse orientation language such that it would apply to new-hires and transfers. WSNA proposed a requirement that nurses who are transferred or otherwise move into bargaining unit positions attend the union’s portion of orientation.

UW Counter-proposal

Union Orientation – In response to WSNA’s proposal, UW proposed that nurses who are transferred or otherwise move into bargaining unit positions be instructed to attend the union’s portion of orientation unless they have already attended WSNA’s orientation. UW proposed that in difficult scheduling situations the parties could agree to a comparable alternate WSNA orientation.

Next Steps

The next UW-WSNA bargaining session is scheduled for June 10.