Negotiations Recap for March 11, 2015
This recap details the ninth session for renewal of the collective bargaining agreement between the UW and UAW.
UW Proposals
UW delivered a series of proposals and responses addressing provisions throughout the collective bargaining agreement, proposing current contract language for several articles. UW’s proposals also included:
Appointment and Reappointment Notification – UW proposed that the parties convene a union management committee meeting to discuss the union’s proposed expansion of the ASE job description to include a list of required tasks with corresponding time estimates, and the curricular purpose of the assignment when applicable.
Discipline or Dismissal – UW proposed language aimed at clarifying and streamlining the corrective action process, including requiring ASEs who wish to request a conference with their supervisor and the union regarding a corrective action to do so within five calendar days of its issuance.
Leave Without Pay for Reasons of Faith or Conscience – UW proposed clarifications to UAW’s proposal, such that ASEs would be eligible for up to two workdays of leave without pay per calendar year for reason of faith or conscience, to which they could apply personal holiday (in whole day increments) or vacation leave. Per WAC 82-56, such requests could only be denied if the employee’s absence would create undue hardship or if the employee is necessary to maintain public safety.
Union Management Committee – UW proposed deletions to outdated contract language.
Micro-aggressions – UW proposed incorporating the union’s proposed definition of micro-aggressions into an MOU, and that the parties meet twice yearly to discuss plans and evaluate progress on the joint goal of eliminating micro-aggressions against ASEs as previously defined.
Bathroom Equity – UW proposed memorializing the parties’ commitment to ensuring that ASEs have adequate access to all-gender bathrooms, and that the parties meet twice yearly to discuss plans and actions in support of this goal. UW also proposed language committing the University to publish online the location of every all-gender bathroom on campus.
UAW Proposals
Childcare – UAW changed its previous proposal that sick child care be provided to all ASEs for a $5 one-time enrollment fee and proposed that sick child care services be provided at no cost to ASEs. UAW also proposed that any ASE receiving a subsidy through the UW Child Care Assistance program that is less than the amount provided to eligible ASEs through the contract be automatically paid the difference.
UAW committed to clarify the language it proposed, as further discussion revealed that such language would unintentionally make ASEs eligible to collect both the UW Child Care Assistance subsidy and the maximum contractual benefit, which the union proposed be increased from $700 per quarter to $1500.
Next Steps
The next UW-UAW bargaining session is scheduled for March 12.