Labor Relations

Negotiations Recap for February 11, 2015

This recap details the second bargaining session between the UW and the UWHA to form the first union contract for UW medical and dental residents and fellows (collectively referred to below as “trainees”).

UWHA Proposals

The parties discussed the following UWHA proposals:

Grievance Procedure – UWHA proposed a three-part grievance procedure:

  1. Program Level: A trainee would seek resolution through direct dialogue with department leadership, with or without UWHA involvement.
  2. Grievance Committee: A grievance not resolved at the program level step could advance to a proposed Grievance Committee, comprised of select trainee and faculty members of the GME Committee along with UWHA-appointed resident members.
  3. Arbitration: A grievance not resolved at the grievance committee step could advance to arbitration, whereby an independent adjudicator hears the case and renders a binding decision. UW and UWHA would split the cost of the arbitration.

UWHA’s proposal consolidated and supplemented elements of several existing policies pertaining to grievance, complaints, and concerns. The parties discussed ways to further condense and isolate the most pertinent information for a smoother integration into a collective bargaining agreement.

Moonlighting – UWHA proposed language that would require Program Directors to provide trainees with written justification for any denial of moonlighting requests, and make such denials subject to the grievance procedure. UWHA explained its intent to achieve a more consistent and favorable outlook on moonlighting across departments, as well as increased transparency regarding the decision-making process.

UW voiced its support for trainees’ ability to have options while still maintaining compliance with legal and professional requirements. UW expressed willingness to investigate and report back on moonlighting rules and practices across departments.

Next Steps

The next UW-UWHA bargaining session is scheduled for February 23.