Labor Relations

Negotiations Recap for August 21, 2014

This recap details the third session for the renewal of the collective bargaining agreement between the UW and Teamsters.

Teamsters Package Proposal

Teamsters put forth a package proposal in which all provisions would need to be accepted in their entirety. Provisions included:

Sick Leave – Teamsters would withdraw its proposal to remove the limit on the amount of sick leave an employee may use for emergency child care, in favor of maintaining the current limit of three days per calendar year.

Hours of Work and Overtime – Teamsters maintained its proposal to prohibit management from mandating temporary deviations from the regular work schedule except in emergencies.

Recharge Event Pay – Teamsters maintained its proposal for UWPD officers working recharge or overtime events to be paid at the rate of non-UWPD officers working the same assignment or the amount the UWPD has charged the University for staffing the event, whichever is greater.

Pay for Administrative Assignments – Teamsters proposed expanding applicability of the provision by which an officer may receive at least four hours’ pay for attending court to include additional forums, such as student conduct boards and Department of Licensing in-person or telephonic hearings.

Event Staffing –Teamsters would withdraw its proposal to prohibit management from assigning officers to work football events or special assignments outside of their regular shift when there are no volunteers. Teamsters proposed that by July 15 of each year the UWPD Chief send notification for officers who wish to be eligible for football event overtime assignments, and that officers not indicating eligibility will not be required to work a football event except in cases of emergency.

Pre-Scheduled Overtime – Teamsters maintained its proposed requirement that any non-emergency pre-scheduled mandatory overtime be contiguous with an officer’s regularly scheduled shift.

Compensatory Time Off – Teamsters proposed increasing the maximum amount of compensatory time officers can accumulate from 200 hours to 360.

Discipline and Dismissal – Teamsters maintained its proposal to remove language memorializing that some conduct is serious enough to warrant suspension or discharge for the first offense.

Tentative Agreements

Joint Labor-Management Committee – The parties formalized their tentative agreement to allow a union staff representative to be the sole decision-maker in determining whether their attendance at joint labor-management meetings is necessary.

The parties tentatively agreed to maintain current contract language, with occasional grammatical edits, for the following articles:

  • Article 1: Preamble
  • Article 2: Non-Discrimination
  • Article 3: Management Rights and Responsibilities
  • Article 5: Union Recognition, Union Security, and Dues Deduction
  • Article 6: Union Business/Representatives
  • Article 7: Union Business Activities Leave
  • Article 8: Employee Files
  • Article 14: Seniority and Layoff
  • Article 18: Grievance Procedure
  • Article 19: Employee Rights
  • Article 21: Contracting Out
  • Article 22: Performance of Duty
  • Article 23: Tuition Exemption
  • Article 24: Severability
  • Article 26: Resignation and Abandonment

Next Steps

The next UW-Teamsters bargaining session is scheduled for September 12.