Labor Relations

Negotiations Recap for July 23, 2014

This recap details the second session for the renewal of the UW–WFSE Police Management collective bargaining agreement for the 2015-17 contract term.

UW Proposals

Public Safety Protection Program – UW proposed that employee participation in the WFSE/AFSCME Public Safety Protection Program as proposed by WFSE be voluntary.

Vacation Time – UW declined WFSE’s proposal for vacation accrual rates to continue increasing up to an employee’s 16th year of service, as well as WFSE’s proposal to allow for employees to accrue up to 360 hours of vacation time. UW accepted WFSE’s proposal to standardize the semi-annual vacation bidding process across bargaining unit employees.

Sick and Bereavement Leave – UW agreed to increase standby pay to $3.75 to match that of UWPD officers. UW also agreed to provide at least four hours of pay at the applicable rate when employees must be available for work-related court assignments during off duty hours.

Bereavement Leave – UW declined WFSE’s proposal to allow for employees to use their accrued paid leaves or leave without pay to take more than three days off for bereavement purposes. UW proposed allowing for employees to use leave without pay for time beyond the three day bereavement leave entitlement, as approved by management.

Special Event Pay – UW proposed that employees who are assigned a shift the night before or after a UW football game be the last to be called for staffing the game. UW proposed language memorializing that recharge overtime is paid at a rate of one and one-half times an employee’s regular rate, and applies to employees assigned to stadium or patrol coverage for football games.

Overtime Pay for Exempt Employees – UW proposed language to clarify that while lieutenants are exempt from overtime pay, they will receive one and one-half times their regular rate of pay for football games, and that such payment for other special events must be specifically agreed to in writing beforehand.

Hours of Work – The parties agreed that no employee will be assigned more than 16 hours in a 24 hour period except during an emergency or by mutual agreement, and that employees be granted a minimum rest period of eight hours between shifts.


UWPD Market Data

UW presented market data comparing pay for sergeants and lieutenants at UWPD to that of police departments at several comparable universities. Average pay for both UWPD sergeants and lieutenants is at or above the market salary range median.

WFSE Compensation Proposal

General Wage Increase – WFSE proposed a 10 percent general wage increase on July 1, 2015, and again on July 1, 2016.

Steps and Differentials – WFSE proposed the addition of a new step to the end of the BP pay scale, as well as increasing the supervisory differential to 16.5 percent. WFSE also proposed expanding the longevity pay schedule to provide for an increase to 6 percent for 30 or more years of service.

Education Incentive – WFSE proposed increases to base pay for sergeants and lieutenants in recognition of academic degrees held, as follows:

  • 2 percent for an associate degree
  • 4 percent for a bachelor degree
  • 6 percent for advanced degrees such as a master’s or juris doctor

Tentative Agreement

Article 10: Vacations – The parties tentatively agreed to the most recent language proposed by UW.

Next Steps

The next UW-WFSE Police Management bargaining session is scheduled for August 13.