Labor Relations

Bargaining Recap for June 11, 2014

This recap details the fourth bargaining session between the UW and SEIU 1199 to incorporate Research/Hall Health RNs into the SEIU 1199 collective bargaining agreement.

UW Proposals

UW proposed omitting several articles and appendices that are not applicable to Research/Hall Health RNs, and emphasized that it has no intent to take away benefits that already exist.

UW’s proposals included:

Job Posting and Transfer – UW proposed that job openings for Research/Hall Health RNs be posted per current University procedure, and that an applicant’s length of service may be a consideration on a transfer to a vacant position. UW proposed allowing for Research RN transfers to be delayed in cases where an RN’s transfer would unduly impact the research project they are leaving.

Duration of Agreement – UW declined SEIU 1199’s proposal to apply the Research/Hall Health RN agreement and its pay provisions retroactively to January 1, 2014.

Parking and U-PASS – UW proposed language from the SEIU 1199 Harborview contract memorializing the University’s right to apply changes in transportation policy and fees during the life of the contract.

SEIU 1199 Proposals

Compensation – SEIU 1199 proposed phasing in its compensation proposal, such that salaries and several pay premiums for Research/Hall RNs would increase on July 1, 2014, and fully align with those of nurses at Harborview Medical Center on June 1, 2015.

Tentative Agreements

The parties tentatively agreed to several contract provisions, including:

Hall Health RN Work Day – The parties tentatively agreed to memorialize the standard work day for Hall Health RNs as 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., while allowing for other work schedules when mutually agreeable to affected supervisors and employees.

Layoff – The parties tentatively agreed to language providing that if a Research RN is laid off, a vacant position in the layoff unit will be considered the most junior position, and will be first consideration before displacement of another RN.

Side Letter A – The parties tentatively agreed to omit the Harborview contract’s Side Letter A, acknowledging that such an agreement does not preclude SEIU 1199 from proposing similar provisions for Research/Hall Health RNs.

Next Steps

The next UW-SEIU 1199 bargaining session is scheduled for June 18.