Labor Relations

Negotiations Recap for June 5, 2014

This recap details the first session for the renewal of the master collective bargaining agreement between the UW and SEIU 925 for the 2015-17 contract term.

SEIU 925 Presentation

SEIU 925 delivered a presentation detailing its concerns with Washington State’s tax system and educational funding model. The union put forth a series of proposals that centered on expansive changes across the University, as well as solicited the UW Board of Regents to support an income tax, a corporate income tax, and a capital gains tax in Washington State.

SEIU 925 Proposals

Tuition and Debt – SEIU 925 proposed that the UW Board of Regents instate a “semi-permanent” tuition freeze until annual state funding is restored to 2008 levels, and that the Board develop a plan to reduce tuition to “pre-recession levels” by the end of 2018. The union also proposed that the University conduct a full public accounting of fees paid to Wall Street, with monthly web-based reporting.

Tuition Exemption – SEIU 925 proposed that the University conduct a full audit of its fee-based courses and provide a history of their growth in the last 10 years, and that the UW develop a system of faculty and staff tuition exemption for fee-based courses.

Major Donations – SEIU 925 proposed that the University report donor names, contact information, donation amount, and intended fund use for any donation exceeding $1,000 to a specific UW school, program, or employee.

The union proposed that for all donations over $1 million, 50 percent be automatically diverted to general university funds and student tuition assistance, while the remaining 50 percent go toward the originally intended purpose.

Childcare – SEIU 925 proposed that the University make childcare more affordable, expand on-campus services, and cease contracting to outside companies for childcare services.

International Student Fees –SEIU 925 proposed that the University rescind the international student fee and keep tuition and fees affordable.

UW Response

UW pointed out the permissive nature of these subjects in a collective bargaining context, meaning matters that the parties are not legally obliged to bargain, which SEIU 925 acknowledged.

Next Steps

The next UW-SEIU 925 bargaining session is scheduled for June 26.