HR for FT

Recruiting and hiring temporary staff

Units that are unsure what staffing they need to support Workday UWFT implementation may want to consider managing their uptick in work on a temporary basis by hiring for a:

  • Professional staff temporary position
  • Nonpermanent position through recruitment
  • Nonpermanent hourly position through UTemp Staffing

New temporary position – Professional staff (campus)

Creation of a new PSTP requires that Compensation perform a review of a position’s eligibility to be covered by the Professional Staff Program and to determine the position’s payroll title and wage.

Compensation’s review of new PSTPs is more streamlined than that of regular professional staff positions because unlike regular professional staff positions, PSTP positions do not require a point-factor evaluation. PSTP position requests are processed more quickly than those of regular professional staff positions for this reason. Salaries for PSTP positions must align with the market range for the comparable regular professional staff job to ensure pay equity between regular and temporary jobs.


Step 1: Identify the PSTP job profile based on whether the position is hourly-paid or salaried and whether the position is overtime eligible.

Job Profile Job Code
PSTP – Salaried: A salaried position with an FTE used with work is regularly scheduled.

Duration is typically not more than 12 months.

  • 11650 – Project Appointment – Overtime Exempt (E S X)
  • 11655 – Project Appointment – O/T Exempt 11-14 (E S X)
  • 19650 – Project Appointment – Overtime Eligible (NE S X)
  • 19652 – Project Appointment – O/T Eligible 11-14 (NE S X)
  • Plus unit-specific project appointment job profiles as approved by the Compensation Office.
PSTP – Hourly: An overtime eligible hourly position without an FTE used when work is not regularly scheduled.

Duration is typically not more than 12 months.

  • 11850 – Limited Term Appointment – Prof Staff (NE H)
  • 11855 – Limited Term Appointment – Prof Staff 11-14 (NE H)

Step 2: Complete the Professional Staff Temporary Position (PSTP) – Supplemental Questionnaire and initiate the Create Position business process in Workday to request review of a new position. Use enough detail to support that the position’s duties reflect professional staff exemption criteria. You will need to upload the form in Workday.

Step 3: Then follow the Create position – Staff Campus Workday user guide to create the position:
Step 4: Follow the Checklist – Create professional staff temporary position to ensure your position request is thoroughly completed.
Step 5: Indicate that your position is UWFT-related in Workday by adding “FT-related” to the approval comments on the create position business process.
Step 6: Begin the hiring process. A PSTP can be filled through open recruitment or by direct hire. After you create your PSTP, follow the hire professional staff instructions to initiate an open recruitment or the instructions below to initiate a direct hire.

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New nonpermanent position – Classified staff (campus)

Follow the instructions for hiring new classified staff to create a new classified position.

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Using UTemp Staffing

UTemp Staffing is a cost-effective option for temporary staffing needs. UTemp’s recruiters work closely with you to understand your specific staffing needs and then recruit and hire qualified employees, manage billing, and perform other administrative functions associated with employee relations and compliance. Consider using UTemp to augment UWFT-related staffing on a short-term basis or when the staffing need is urgent. UTemp has suitable candidates in a variety of areas related to finance and information technology work including, but not limited to:

  • Fiscal administration (costing/budgeting, accounts payable/receivable, medical/dental billing)
  • Data processing (data entry, transcription)
  • Information systems (help desk, software support and development)

For more information, visit UTemp’s website, contact them directly at or 206-543-3652. If you’re ready to get started, Request a UTemp resource.

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Initiating a direct hire (campus)

Applicants may be directly hired into nonpermanent or intermittent classified positions and temporary professional staff positions on a noncompetitive basis.

To initiate a direct hire, after your position is created, follow the Create Job Requisition – Staff Campus user guide and include the following information in the Recruitment Questionnaire Additional Notes field:

  • Applicant’s first and last name
  • Applicant’s email
  • Position start and end date
  • Pay rate

While a direct hire will be processed faster than an open recruitment, your applicant cannot start immediately. Direct hires must be screened to confirm they meet minimum qualifications and must fulfill UW’s background check and sexual misconduct disclosure requirements.

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