HR for FT

Identify your staffing needs

With the forthcoming July 2023 implementation of the UW Finance Transformation (UWFT) program, UWHR has committed to reduce barriers related to supporting staffing needs and organizational changes.

As UWFT concludes its work and your unit identifies how to address change impacts, leverage the tools and practices on this website to ensure staffing supports for UWFT-related jobs move forward quickly. UWFT-related staffing needs will be elevated to the top of queues for compensation and campus recruitment teams and UWFT-related positions in the Medical Centers will continue to be worked on by their designated recruiter.

Identify your unit’s staffing need

Finance transformation change impacts may result in one or more of the following potential staffing needs:

For any of these position creation and recruitment or position review needs, ensure that the need is UWFT-related by following the special instructions for processing outlined in these webpages