Labor Relations

UW – SEIU 1199 Negotiations Recap for May 17, 2017


This recap details the first session for the renewal of the Research / Hall Health Registered Nurse Addendum of the collective bargaining agreement between the UW and SEIU 1199. Recaps are published online on the UW Labor Relations website.

SEIU 1199 Proposals

The union maintained its proposals introduced at the main UW and SEIU 199 bargaining negotiations for all provisions also included in the Research / Hall Health Registered Nurse Addendum.  Additionally, SEIU 1199 maintained its proposals related specifically to the addendum, including:

Bargaining Unit Addition – SEIU 1199 proposed adding the Hall Health Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners (ARNPs) and ARNP Leads to all articles in the contract pertaining to healthcare specialists, and adding them to the same pay scale.

Pay Scale Adjustments – The union proposed an adjustment to the pay scale for Hall Health RNs so that pay is more commensurate with experience.

UW Proposals

UW maintained the entirety of its proposals introduced at the main UW and SEIU 199 bargaining negotiations for all provisions also included in the Research / Hall Health Registered Nurse Addendum, with the following exceptions:

MOU: Addition of ARNPs and ARNP Leads – In response to SEIU 1199’s proposal, UW presented an MOU that would incorporate ARNPs and ARNP leads into the bargaining unit.  The MOU proposed a method for placement of employees on pay scales and ranges at a step value that is closest to, but not less than, the value of their current step.

In response, SEIU 1199 intends to present an alternate method for placement of employees on the proper pay scale and step value.

UW proposed to update language throughout the addendum to reflect the added job classifications.

Union Delegates – UW proposed to increase the allowance of union delegates from four to five, and to permit each delegate up to eight hours of paid release time annually to participate in the union’s delegate training program.

Work Day – UW proposed language that would allow the employer to institute other work schedules in the future with proper notice to the union.  In response, SEIU 1199 proposed to retain current contract language requiring changes to work schedules to be by mutual agreement.

Overtime – UW proposed to define overtime for ARNPs as hours worked in excess of forty in the forty hour work week.  In response, SEIU 1199 proposed to define overtime for ARNPs and leads as time worked beyond the regularly scheduled shift in one day.

Educational and/or Professional Leave – UW proposed language stating that ARNPs and ARNP leads who have completed probation would be eligible for 64 hours of educational and/professional leave, and $1,800 in education support funds per fiscal year (prorated as necessary).  In response, SEIU 1199 tentatively agreed to the amount of educational leave, but proposed to increase the education support funds to $2,500.

Committees – UW proposed an allowance of up to two bargaining unit representatives, regardless of job class, for attendance at JLM committees.

Pay Scale Tables – UW proposed to remove the pay scale tables from the collective bargaining agreement as the tables are readily available online and kept up to date by UW Compensation.

MOU: Hall Health Nurse Salary Steps – UW proposed to eliminate the MOU regarding Hall Health nurse salary steps as the conditions have been satisfied.

MOU: Research Nurse JLM – UW proposed to eliminate the MOU regarding research nurse JLMs as the conditions have been satisfied.

Next Steps

The next UW-SEIU 1199 bargaining session is scheduled for May 26.