Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Connor McComas

Headshot of Connor McComas smiling in a black, collared dress shirt with small white polka dots.

Academic Advisor
UW Bothell School of Business and Bellevue Business Programs

Connor has been in higher education for nearly 10 years, most of that as an academic advisor. He identifies as queer and Neurodivergent. He has a degree in Psychology and has spent his professional career in service to others. He says, “I was diagnosed with ADHD and other ‘invisible’ disabilities much later in life as an adult. From this I’ve learned that the most meaningful thing I can do is live out loud with them. As a DSFA member I want to make visible the challenges that disabled UW staff and faculty experience while celebrating the diverse talents that we bring to the university.” His passions are building community, activism, and being a lifelong learner. He says, “If you are looking for community, understanding, and acceptance join the DFSA!”