Student Employment

About student employment

Work study, internships, and volunteering

This page outlines the various work opportunities for both University of Washington undergraduate and graduate students looking for employment at the UW.

Student hourly employment eligibility policy

Employment in UW jobs can provide valuable work experience and help students meet their education-related financial obligations. This policy outlines work hours limits and employment eligibility and applies to employees in undergraduate or graduate student hourly positions.

Student hourly employee compensation and work hours limits

Discover the details of employment, compensation, work hours and other critical student hourly employment topics.

Contract for Academic Student Employees

Academic student employees (ASEs), which include research and teaching assistants, readers, graders, tutors, and others are represented by the United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 4121.

Non-UW student employees

Information about students of other higher education institutions working at the UW.

On-campus employment for F-1 students

For more information about international student employment, visit the ISS website.

Employees of the ASUW

The Associated Students of the University of Washington (ASUW) is the democratic voice of students that engages the campus community through programming, services, and advocacy.

J-1 on-campus employment

For more information about international student employment, visit the ISS website.