Human Resources

2024 UW Total Compensation Statements are ready for review

As a UW staff member, you know that working at the UW is more than just a job. In much the same way, your compensation is more than just your hourly wages or salary. Here at the UW, you have opportunities to contribute to a mission that is larger than any one individual, and you are appreciated for every way you support the UW in fulfilling our public promise.

Please take a few moments to access your personal Total Compensation Statement for April 1, 2023–March 31, 2024. This consolidated view of your individual earnings and benefits provides insight into the value of your UW compensation package. For more information, see an annotated sample statement for an at-a-glance view of what is included in each section, review the Total Compensation Statement FAQs or email with questions.

In addition, as we enjoy another spring season in the Pacific Northwest, you are invited to engage with the many UWHR programs and services that are available to you as part of your compensation and benefits package.