UW Combined Fund Drive

Do Good, Feel Good: Have an Impact Checklist

Dare to Do 2022: Do Good, Feel Good Challenge

This checklist, created in partnership with The Whole U and UW Combined Fund Drive, will remind you of day to day action items that leave an impact in our world and influence positivity, love, and community.

During each of the 22 days of the challenge, choose one of these suggestions to accomplish or learn more about, in any order.

Do Good, Feel Good Checklist (pdf)

  • Connect with your community through a new (to you) volunteer opportunity.
  • Start your journey toward social advocacy by reflecting on the causes you care about.
  • Read more and pay it forward volunteering to read to kids, the elderly or those learning English.
  • Enjoy the outdoors with a hike and learn more about the organizations keeping our public lands beautiful and accessible for all.
  • Do your part for the environment: volunteer with PugetSoundkeeper to pick up plastic marine debris on Washington’s beaches.
  • Give blood: the American Red Cross’ blood supply is at its lowest level in more than a decade.
  • Take up a new hobby: the Pacific Northwest is rife with opportunities for birdwatching.
  • Choose healthier food options and support those suffering from food insecurity by volunteering at or donating to your local food pantry.
  • Learn more about eating a more plant-based diet from local nonprofit Tilth Alliance.
  • Clean out your closet! Donate good quality clothing, shoes, and accessories to programs like Mary’s Place, Dress for Success or Roots Young Adult Shelter.
  • Host a hygiene products drive – food pantries need more than just food.
  • Volunteer to spend time with an older adult experiencing loneliness and social isolation.
  • Drink more water and learn more about the global effort to provide life-sustaining clean water at water at water.org.
  • Empower women’s health and social wellness by getting involved with the UW Alene Moris Women’s Center.
  • Host a house party – invite your friends over to hear a speaker from a nonprofit you love and invite them to give or volunteer.
  • Get out and see a play or performance. Theatres need our support and seeing a show rocks!
  • Share your skills – volunteer to teach a class or assist with one.
  • Incorporate more inclusive language into your communications, starting with understanding correct pronoun use.
  • Support frontline healthcare workers and help prevent compassion fatigue with your kindness and thanks.
  • Support greater civic engagement: volunteer to get out the vote, particularly among younger adults.
  • Up your recycling game by taking UW Recycling’s online recycling & waste diversion course.
  • Have a conversation with a friend or family member about how you can give more in 2022.