UW Combined Fund Drive

April 29, 2022

UWCFD Wins 2022 Husky Green Award

The UWCFD is delighted to have been awarded a 2022 Husky Green Award from UW Sustainability.

The Husky Green Awards recognize individuals and groups across all University of Washington campuses who lead the way for sustainability at the University of Washington. This is the 13th year the awards have been awarded by the UW Environmental Stewardship Committee as part of the UW’s Earth Day celebrations.

The Husky Green Awards are given to students, faculty and staff from the Seattle, Bothell and Tacoma campuses who show initiative, leadership and dedication. They are made possible by the 2008 Senior Class Gift for Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability. The awards are the only recognition program at the University which recognize a commitment to sustainability.

UW Human Resources Chief of Staff Kimberly Mishra, who oversees the UWCFD program, noted, “The team’s effort to ensure that the campaign is modeling sustainable behaviors is an outstanding example of what walking the talk looks like.”

“And it is working—for both the planet and the campaign. While many workplace giving campaigns suffered during 2021 due to pandemic fatigue and employee’s personal economic concerns, the UWCFD continued to inspire UW faculty, staff and retirees who came together to contribute $1,958,811 to local and global charities and nonprofits.”

From the award announcement

Since assuming leadership of UW’s workplace giving campaign in February 2020, Program Manager Jolyn Mason and Workplace Giving Specialist Nicole Reeve-Parker have examined processes and adopted new strategies to reduce waste, be more efficient with resources and embrace sustainability.

Over the past two years, the UWCFD has eliminated almost 72,000 pieces of promotional material, including flyers, postcards, one sheets, and bookmarks, and also largely eliminated the use of more than 100,000 pieces of printed forms, letters and envelopes by transitioning to digital. The UWCFD has also worked to highlight non-profits taking on sustainability challenges and partnered with other groups on campus around educational events.

UWCFD staff look forward to ongoing support for UW’s culture of sustainability and will continue to seek out sustainable alternatives to current practices.

Click here to learn more about all of the 2022 Husky Green Award recipients.