
Early career

While retirement may feel a long time away, starting your retirement plan early in your career and planning for the future will help to ensure that you meet your goals when your retirement date finally arrives. Do you want to retire three years early, or do you want that daily coffee on your way into work?







While retirement may feel a long time away, starting your retirement plan early in your career and planning for the future will help to ensure that you meet your goals when your retirement date finally arrives. Do you want to retire three years early, or do you want that daily coffee on your way into work?



Resource Description
Retirement Application Fill out your retirement application (UW NetID login required).
Retirement Workshop Attend a UW Retirement Workshop taught by our benefits consultants.
Social Security Calculators Create your mySocialSecurity account and use Social Security’s caluclators to estimate your benefit.
DRS Retirement Calculator For DRS retirees only: use this calculator to estimate your retirement benefit.
Fidelity or TIAA Consultations Schedule an in-person consultation with Fidelity or TIAA to finalize your plan for retiring.
Optional Retirement Plans Revisit your optional retirement plan participataion and savings to maximize your retirement contributions.



Resource Description
Retirement Medical & Dental Learn about your medical and dental insurance.
Life Insurance Review your life insurance coverage, and learn about portability options when you retire.
Long-term Disability Understand your Long-term disability coverage or learn how to apply.
Voluntary Retirement Incentive If you are provided the option to retire under the Voluntary Retirement Incentive (VRI), review the process and restrictions.
Health Reimbursement Account with VEBA Review the rules and uses for the VEBA Health Reimbursement Account.
Update your beneficiaries Make sure your beneficiaries are up to date.
Medicare Take a look at the rules regarding Medicare enrollment, including your eligibility for a “Special Enrollment Period.”



Resource Description
The WholeU workshops Look through all of the workshop options available with the The WholeU.
UW CareLink Retirement can be a stressful time, find assistance with preparing for the change at UW CareLink (Register with Organization “UW”).
Non-faculty: returning to work ater retiremnt If you plan on returning to work after you retiring, be sure you understand the rules.
Faculty: returning to work after retirement If you plan on returning to work after you retiring, be sure you understand the rules.
UW Retirement Association View the perks provided by the UW Retirement Association (UWRA)