
Life insurance and accidental death and dismemberment insurance

The PEBB Program offers life insurance through MetLife (Plan number 164995-1-G). This web page is a summary of benefits only. For more detailed information, please review the MetLife Certificate of Coverage.

As part of your benefits package, you receive — at no cost to you — $35,000 of life insurance coverage and $5,000 of accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) coverage. You have the option to buy additional coverage (described below) by enrolling in the supplemental plans offered.

We recommend you name your beneficiary for this coverage even if you are not electing any additional optional coverage(s) (described below) as you have the Basic employer-paid coverage.

Remember you are eligible for coverage as long as you’re eligible for PEBB benefits.

Optional life and AD&D insurance available through MetLife

Types of optional coverage Employee (subscriber) Spouse or state-registered  domestic partner Child(ren)  – ages 2 weeks  up to 26 years
Optional life
Increments of $10,000 up to $500,000 guaranteed issue*, up to a maximum of $1,000,000 with Medical Evidence of Insurability. Increments of $5,000 up to $100,000 guaranteed issue*, up to a maximum of $500,000 with Medical Evidence of Insurability. Coverage cannot exceed 50% of an employee’s optional life insurance. Increments of $5,000 up to $20,000
Optional AD&D insurance Increments of $10,000 up to $250,000.
Optional AD&D insurance does not cover death and dismemberment from nonaccidental causes. Optional AD&D Insurance never requires evidence of insurability, and you can apply at any time.
Increments of $10,000 up to $250,000 Increments of $5,000 up to $25,000

*Guaranteed issue is the amount of coverage an employee may select when initially eligible for coverage, within the required deadlines below, without submitting a statement of health for carrier approval.

When can I enroll?

You may enroll no later than 31 days after your eligibility date for PEBB benefits (see your eligibility notice for your personal eligibility date) for the following coverage, without providing evidence of insurability:

  • Optional Life Insurance for Employees up to $500,000.
  • Optional Life Insurance for Spouse or State-Registered Domestic Partner up to $100,000.
  • Optional Life Insurance for Children, all amounts Guaranteed Issue in increments of $5,000 up to $20,000.

You must provide evidence of insurability to MetLife if you:

  • Apply for Optional Life Insurance for yourself and/or your spouse or state-registered domestic partner more than 31 days after becoming eligible for PEBB benefits.
  • Request more than $500,000 in Optional Employee Life Insurance.
  • Request more than $100,000 in Optional Life Insurance for your spouse or state-registered domestic partner.

MetLife must approve your request for additional levels of coverage.

How do I enroll?

Complete the MetLife Employee Enrollment/Change form and fax or mail directly to MetLife, or complete enrollment directly with MetLife.

Note: If you need to search by employer or association, the group for PEBB coverage is “WA State Health Care Authority PEBB”

If you have any questions regarding enrollment or if you prefer to complete a paper enrollment form, please contact MetLife at 1-866-548-7139.

How much insurance do I need?

Fill out the easy-to-use life insurance calculator to find out how much additional life insurance you need.

Maintaining Optional Life Insurance during leave

For employees who are on unpaid leave, are furloughed, or are not scheduled for work for more than three consecutive pay periods, you will be placed on direct billing by MetLife.

EMPLOYEE ACTION REQUIRED: When you are placed on direct billing, MetLife will send you a bill for your missed premiums. Make sure your mailing address is updated in Workday. If you don’t pay your life insurance premiums directly to MetLife, your optional life insurance will be terminated.

To restart your payroll deductions once you return to work, contact UW Benefits. If you do not contact UW Benefits, you will continue to be billed directly by MetLife.

How much will Optional Life Insurance cost?

Check out the PEBB Monthly Premiums for Optional Life Insurance.