
Medical students: LTD insurance

Long-term disability (LTD) insurance protects your ability to earn an income should you suffer a debilitating illness or injury that keeps you from working or attending medical school. The MedPlus Advantage plan, sponsored by the American Medical Association, is designed to meet the unique needs of health care professionals.

Full-time students enrolled in the School of Medicine and the School of Health Sciences at the University of Washington are eligible for this coverage.

Coverage and benefits

The plan’s certificate describes the plan in detail. Download it by going to the MedPlus Advantage website and entering the ID number 644228. You can also download the plan summary (highlight sheet) and the global travel services brochure.

The premium is $65 for the school year from October 1 to September 30. The premium must be paid in full upon application then annually thereafter.


Deadlines to enroll without proof of good health are listed below:

  1. New students: within 31 days of the official start date at the University of Washington, or
  2. During the annual open enrollment (month of September) to obtain coverage without having to prove you are in good health. Enrollment outside of the annual open enrollment period will require you to provide evidence you are in good health.

To enroll in LTD AMA insurance contact the UW broker of record Parker, Smith & Feek (425-974-3083), and ask for the benefits department.

Enrolling after the first 31 days of school or outside the annual open enrollment period

If you wish to apply for coverage after the first 31 days of the official start date or outside of the annual open enrollment period, you will be required to complete a Medical History Statement authorizing Standard Insurance Company to obtain information about your health, and may also be required to undergo a physical examination in order to determine evidence of good health. If approved, your coverage becomes effective on the date the insurance is approved.

File a claim

Standard Insurance must receive written notice of a claim before the end of the 90-day elimination period. For assistance in filing a claim, contact Parker, Smith & Feek (425-974-3083), and ask for the benefits department.