
Premium surcharges

You must pay an extra fee on top of your monthly medical plan premium if either of these apply to you:

  • You use tobacco products (or a dependent age 13 or greater on your coverage uses tobacco)
  • You add to your plan a spouse or partner who has declined other group health coverage (including Tricare)

When you enroll (or add a spouse or other qualified dependent), you must declare whether or not either of these apply to you. Once enrolled, you’re required to report any changes in tobacco use or spousal health coverage.

Tobacco use surcharge

If you ,or a dependent age 13 or greater, used tobacco in the two months prior to enrolling, you must declare that and pay a monthly $25 premium surcharge. Once enrolled, if your tobacco use changes, you must report the change.

For more details, including how to report a change, see Tobacco Use Attestation.

Spouse or partner surcharge

A surcharge applies when your spouse or partner has a job that offers them employer-based group medical insurance, but they decline it and enroll on your PEBB plan instead. If this is the case, when you enroll your spouse or partner, you’ll pay a $50 monthly surcharge. For the surcharge to apply, the coverage that your spouse or partner declined has to be comparable to the UMP Classic plan (even if that’s not the plan you’re enrolled in).

For full details see PEBB spouse or partner coverage premium surcharge, but remember to make changes in Workday. For more details on making changes in Workday see Spousal or State-Registered Domestic Partner Premium Surcharge.