
WA Cares Fund FAQ

Last updated: January 4, 2023

WA Cares Fund premiums

Who is charged the payroll deduction for the WA Cares Fund?
The deduction is collected only on the wages of individuals whose work is located in Washington state.

Are WA Cares Fund benefits available to Washington residents only?
Yes, in order to receive benefits, individuals must be 18 years of age or older and living in Washington state. Benefits will be available starting July 1, 2026.

Is this a program for state employees only?
No. This is a program for all Washington state residents.

I plan on retiring in the next few years so I might not meet the requirements to qualify for benefits. Does the payroll deduction still apply to me?
Yes, the premium will be deducted even if you plan on retiring within the next few years and/or before you meet the requirements to qualify for benefits. Individuals born before January 1, 1968 who have paid into the WA Cares Fund for less that the number of years required to “vest” in the program may qualify for pro-rated benefits. To learn more, visit the WA Cares Fund’s website Earning your benefits.

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WA Cares Fund premium exemptions

Who may qualify for a permanent exemption from the WA Cares Fund?
You can apply to the Employment Security Department (ESD) for a permanent premium exemption if you are a veteran with a 70% or greater service-connected disability.

ESD provides information on how to apply for exemption on the WA Cares Fund’s Exemptions webpage, including a description of documentation that may be required.

If your permanent exemption is approved, you must inform UW (see below) to ensure premiums are not collected. If you are permanently exempt, you do not have to pay the WA Cares Fund premium and you will not be enrolled in the WA Cares Fund. Once you are exempt, you cannot re-enroll in the WA Cares Fund. If you change jobs, you will need to inform your new (non-UW) employer to ensure they don’t collect the premium.

Who may qualify for a conditional exemption from the WA Cares Fund program?
You can apply to the Employment Security Department (ESD) for a conditional premium exemption if you are employed by a WA employer but have a permanent residence outside of WA state; are temporarily working in WA on a nonimmigrant visa; or you are a spouse or registered domestic partner of an active-duty military member.

ESD provides information on how to apply for exemption on the WA Cares Fund’s Exemptions webpage, including a description of documentation that may be required.

If your conditional exemption is approved, you must inform UW (see below) to ensure premiums are not collected. If you are conditionally exempt, you do not have to pay the WA Cares Fund premium. If your status changes so that you no longer qualify for a conditional exemption, your conditional exemption will end. You must notify ESD and UW if you change your permanent residence to WA state, become a permanent U.S. resident, your spouse or registered domestic partner leaves military service, and/or the marriage or domestic partnership ends.

How do I notify Payroll that ESD has approved an exemption from the WA Cares Fund?
First, you must have applied for a premium exemption from ESD and received from ESD a premium exemption approval letter. Second, notify UW of your premium exemption by completing this Payroll secure webform and attaching a copy of your premium exemption letter.

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Premium exemption effective dates

When does a premium exemption go into effect?
A premium exemption (whether permanent or conditional) goes into effect the calendar quarter after your ESD premium exemption application is approved and only if you notify Payroll by completing this Payroll secure webform and attaching a copy of your premium exemption letter.

I notified Payroll and provided a copy of my exemption letter. The effective date of my exemption has passed but premiums are being collected from my paycheck. Can I get a refund?
If UW has made an error and collected premiums from your paycheck after the effective date of an exemption and you notified Payroll, incorrectly deducted premiums will be refunded.

I am a new UW employee with an exemption from the WA Cares Fund. When does the premium exemption go into effect?
New employees with an ESD approved premium exemption should notify Payroll and provide a copy of their exemption letter as part of new employee orientation. If the effective date of your exemption is a future date, premium collection will start on your first day of employment and continue until the effective date. If the effective date of your exemption has passed, the exemption will be in effect immediately and no premiums will be collected by UW once you notify Payroll and provide a copy of your exemption letter.

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Other insurance and exemptions

Will UW provide long-term care insurance for employees to purchase as an alternative to the WA Cares Fund?
As a Washington state public employer, UW is only authorized to provide the insurance benefits that are offered through the state of Washington Health Care Authority (HCA) and set by the Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB). Currently there are no long-term care insurances provided through either PEBB or the HCA that would be available to UW employees.

Does the long-term disability insurance (LTD) at UW count as long-term care insurance for the purpose of an exemption from the WA Cares Fund?

No, the LTD insurance available to UW employees is a separate type of insurance that is different from long-term care insurance. For this reason, LTD doesn’t meet the requirements for a premium exemption under the WA Cares Fund.


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