
GAIP: Information for departments

It is each department’s responsibility to verify eligibility for Graduate Appointee Insurance Program (GAIP) coverage. Departments that do not meet this responsibility may be held liable for coverage premiums or costs of services.

Download a GAIP benefits summary PDF that you can share with prospective student employees.

GAIP-eligible positions

Positions can be eligible for GAIP coverage in one of three ways:

  • Positions with UW-paid benefits (including fellows and trainees)
  • Self-pay appointment
  • Self-pay due to loss of coverage, while on approved academic leave, or approved leave of absence
Appointments with UW-paid benefits

The UW pays the monthly premium for student appointees with GAIP-eligible appointments. To set up an eligible quarterly position, the department must verify that the appointee is enrolled in at least 10 credits* for the quarter, and that the position is 50% or greater FTE; and paid on five of the six paydays of the coverage period.

To set up an eligible summer quarter position, the department must verify that the appointee is enrolled in at least two credits* in at least one session, and that the position is 50% or greater FTE, and paid on two consecutive pay periods, and you must hold an eligible title (as shown below).

*The credit requirement is managed by the school or department. Enrollment in an eligible job class and compensation grade and/or compensation step will trigger benefits-eligibility. Departmental advisors should follow up with the student about academic progress and the impact on the overall position or direct students to submit a Petition for Reduced Enrollment to the UW Graduate School. If approved, this position will be entered by the Graduate School and reported to the UW Benefits Office.

The following tables provide the titles, compensation grade profile and compensation steps which, in combination with the job and academic requirements constitute an eligible position:

Code Job Profile Compensation Grade Profile Compensation Step
10817 Teaching Assistant  Grad Student: RA/TA/SA  Step 1 or 3, not 2
10804 Predoctoral Instructor Schedule 1 NA
10809 Predoctoral Instructor Schedule 3 NA
10847 Research Assistant  Grad Student: RA/TA/SA Step 1 or 3, not 2
10854* Graduate Research Student Assistant Grad Student Other* NA
10857 Graduate Staff Assistant Grad Student: RA/TA/SA Step 1 or 3, not 2

* Job Code 10854, Graduate Research Student Assistant (GRSA), is limited to positions during the summer quarter only. This job code may not be used during fall, winter or spring quarters.

Fellows and trainees with stipends

The UW also pays the monthly premium for fellows and trainees in eligible positions. Prior to entering the quarterly position, departments must verify that the hire is enrolled in at least 10 credits (see comments about credits above), and that the position is paid at least $800 per month, and paid on at least five of the six paydays of the coverage period.

Prior to entering a summer quarterly position, departments must verify that the hire is enrolled in at least two credits (see comments about credits above), and that the position is paid at least $800 per month, and paid on two consecutive pay periods.

The following tables provide the titles and earning types which in combination with the appointment and academic requirements constitute an eligible position:

Code Job Profile Compensation Grade Profile Compensation Step
10859 Stipend Grad Trainee-C NA NA
21112 Stipend Grad Trainee-A NA NA
21191 Stipend Grad Fellow- A NA NA
Self-pay appointments

To be eligible for self-pay through an appointment for which an ASE is paid directly by an outside source, the ASE must:

  • have an appointment in an eligible job class, AND
  • receive paid-direct funding at $800 per month* or greater for at least one academic quarter, AND
  • enroll in at least 10 credits for that same quarter

*Documentation of such position is required. Positions from local employers with multiple positions such as the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center may be forwarded to the UW Benefits Office in the form of a spreadsheet for multiple positions. Send a spreadsheet attachment to Please use “GAIP – Self-pay List” in the subject line of the email. Letters for foreign positions must be in English with funding stated in US dollars.

Deadlines for entering positions and distributions

The deadline for having position and distribution information entered into the payroll system is payroll cutoff for the first check within the coverage period.* See the table below:

Quarter Payday Payroll Cutoff Coverage Effective Date
Winter 2024 Jan 10 Jan 4 Jan 1
Jan 25 Jan 19 Jan 1
Feb 10 Feb 6 Feb 1
Spring 2024 Apr 10 Apr 4 Apr 1
Apr 25 Apr 19 Apr 1
May 10 May 4 May 1
Summer 2024 June 26 June 20 July 1
Fall 2024 Oct 10 Oct 4 Oct 1
Oct 25 Oct 21 Oct 1
Nov 9 Nov 4 Nov 1

Example: For winter quarter coverage to be effective on the 1st of January, the information must be entered by the payroll cutoff date for the first check paid in January.

*Except summer quarter, when the deadline for entering appointment and distribution information is per the date posted above.

File an appeal for coverage

If a position is not eligible for benefits because of the delayed entry of the position and/or distribution information, the department may file an appeal coverage. All appeals must be in writing and must be signed by the dean or chair, as appropriate, and received by the UW Benefits Office within 10 business of being notified by the employee that they were not covered based on the delayed entry of the appointment and/or distribution. An appeal for coverage must include the following:

  • An explanation of why the position and/or distribution was entered into Workday after the published deadline;
  • An account of the actions being taken to ensure that the situation does not arise again;
  • A demonstration that an exception to the plan rules is warranted and that the department should not be held financially responsible for claims for the ineligible period; and
  • A commitment to pay for retroactive premiums, should the appeal be accepted, and the appropriate Ledger Account, Grant/Gift/Program, Cost Center, Fund, Function, and/or Resources for the transfer of funds.
    • Ledger Account and Grant/Gift/Program are always required

Send eligibility appeals to:

Attention: GAIP Appeals
UW Benefits Office
Campus Mail Box 354969

Or submit via email:

A benefits staff member will review the appeal and notify the employee and department of the eligibility determination within 10 business days of receiving all documentation.

Options when funding is delayed

Eligibility for GAIP coverage is based on the calendar month, rather than the quarterly appointment dates.

The date the department enters the eligible position into Workday, or notifies the UW Benefits office of self-pay eligibility, determines the effective date of eligibility for benefits as outlined below. Retroactive appointments do not create retroactive benefits eligibility. If funding from a source is delayed, departments may wish to use one of these alternatives to ensure that pay and benefits are provided in a timely way:

  • Initiate the position on an alternate funding source, then transfer funds once the funding is completed, OR
  • Request an advance Ledger, Spend Category, Cost Center, Fund, Function, and/or Resource assignment. This process is outlined in Grants Information Memorandum 9