
SmartHealth: Get Ready, Get Set!

The Health Care Authority (HCA) has officially kicked off SmartHealth for 2017! Now in its third year, SmartHealth is the state’s voluntary wellness program for eligible members of the Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) Program.

Through SmartHealth, you can select activities, find support, track progress, and earn points toward real rewards beyond improved health. Beginning each year, everyone has a chance to start fresh to improve their health and well-being while having fun earning points and connecting with others. Earn points quickly by first completing your confidential SmartHealth Well-being Assessment worth 800 points. (Hint: Do this by March 31 and you’ll get an early-bird bonus of 100 points!) Next, choose from a wide range of fun activities to reach your health goals for points. Earn 2,000 or more points by September 30, 2017 and you’ll qualify to receive a $125 incentive in January 2018 provided that you continue to meet PEBB eligibility requirements. Get started today at