UW Combined Fund Drive

March 27, 2023

Congratulations CFD campaign 2022 award winners

Each year, the Sno-King and UW Combined Fund Drive campaigns make a call for nominations to recognize volunteers who go above and beyond in their efforts to make the campaign a success. 

Volunteers are nominated by their peers, supervisors, campaign leaders or campaign assistants and the winners are determined by a vote of the Sno-King CFD Advisory Committee.

While every volunteer is deserving of special recognition, the following were nominated and a select few were chosen to receive an award for their work on the 2022 campaign.

2022 Volunteer Award Categories and Nominees

*Award winners indicated in bold

The Innovative Event Award is presented annually to campaign volunteers who demonstrate exemplary outreach and innovation in planning and executing CFD campaign events. This year’s campaign presented a variety of challenges, and these coordinators rose to the occasion. 

  • UW Chemistry Prize Drawing: Diana Knight and Cassie Davis 
  • DDD4 Region 4 Pride: Margaret Sheilds-Belisle, Team Lead
  • UW HUB, Hot Chocolate or Soup: Ellen Kesselman
  • UW Facilities Pancake Sale: Jodi Van Matre

From the nomination letter: This was a great end to the campaign event. It helped keep momentum going through the very last day. It was short and sweet and fun. The event helped raise awareness of the campaign, raise money for Doctors Without Borders and connect employees by helping them get to know each other better.

The Outstanding Team Award is presented annually to a group of CFD volunteers that demonstrates exemplary teamwork while promoting and educating employees about the benefits of giving through the CFD.

  • Employment Security Department: Michele Brown, Jeanne Lenz and Bev Pogue
  • UW Human Resources: Hannah Barnett, Darlene Cheatham, Jordan Epp, Alberto Lacao, Jennifer Mallahan, Bev Page, Jyothy Praveen and Klaudyna Siewior 
  • UW Information School: Jim Becker and Karen Perez
  • UWMC Department of Surgery: Michael Hilleary and Sydney Kaser
  • UW Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering: EJ Pineda, CJ Smith and Clayton Yost

From the UWHR team nomination: UWHR reached out to their team in person and online to invite them to events that took place in person and online. Individual members took lead roles at various events and the team was always there to lend a hand. From stuffing bags for a candy sale to baking potatoes in the microwave, this team worked closely and infused the campaign in UWHR with a joyful spirit. They brought the fun they were having to everything they did.

The Dean Speer Award for Excellence honors longtime UW employee, retiree and UW Combined Fund Drive campaign assistant Dean Speer, who has been a champion of the program and an advocate for employee giving going back decades. It is awarded to a volunteer who displays the attributes of enthusiasm, professionalism, positivity, outstanding service, commitment to, and passion for, the Combined Fund Drive. This year, the Dean Speer award was combined with the Exemplary Leadership Award, presented to managers who demonstrate leadership and creatively employ best practices and facilitate an effective CFD campaign.

  • Hannah Barnett, UW Human Resources 
  • Darlene Cheatham, UW Human Resources
  • Brooke Emrich, UWMC, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
  • Mindy Kornberg, UW Human Resources

From the nomination letter: Hannah’s quiet leadership invites introverts and extroverts to the table to participate in giving where they are the most comfortable. She leads by example and with genuine commitment to making the world a better place.

The Spirit of Service Award is presented annually to veteran CFD coordinators who have gone the extra mile during the Combined Fund Drive campaign. Each campus or agency nominates its best and brightest coordinators who have helped make the CFD campaign a success.

  • Phillip Buff, UW School of Public Health, Environmental & Occupational Health Science 
  • Brooke Emrich, UW Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology 
  • Andy Huang, UWIT 
  • Jeanne Lenz, Employment Security Department 

From the nomination letter: Phillip Buff is a loyal, enthusiastic, and well-loved supporter of the UWCFD since 2003. In his time as a coordinator, he never wavered from giving his all for UWCFD. No matter what is happening, Phillip always gives his all and then some! 

The Rookie of the Year award is given annually to new CFD coordinators who have gone the extra mile during the Combined Fund Drive campaign. Each agency or campus nominates its best and brightest coordinators who have helped make the campaign a success.  

  • Darlene Cheatham, UW Human Resources 
  • Lindsey Doermann, UW College of Engineering
  • Andrea Neubert, UW Bothell
  • Anna Wilsey, UW IMHE

From the nomination letter: One of Darlene’s most outstanding characteristics was her passion and enthusiasm about the role of the campaign coordinator. You’d never know that this was the first year she was a coordinator. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for her with the UWCFD.

UWB/UWT Spirit of Philanthropy Award

UW Bothell & UW Tacoma have a long-standing competition between their two campuses. Since 2008, the campuses have competed for the highest percent of participation and most dollars raised.

Both campuses worked hard on this year’s campaign, but like the Highlander, there can be only one winner and this year, the winner is UW Bothell! Thank you for all your hard work, UW Bothell and super rookie, Andrea Neubert! Please enjoy the Spirit of Philanthropy perpetual trophy for another year. 

To all of our nominees, congratulations on a very well earned recognition, and thank you all for your tremendous work this year.

Missed the recognition event? You can watch the recording here.