January 15, 2019
We > Me: UW Combined Fund Drive raises $2 million for community
Each fall at the University of Washington, our community comes together to build a better world. This year, UW staff, faculty and retirees raised $2,080,129 for local and global nonprofits during the 2018 UW Combined Fund Drive.
“The generosity of our UW faculty, staff, students, retirees and friends is impressive,” said Kerri Fuller, development officer and campaign manager for the UW Combined Fund Drive. “Our combined gifts make an amazing difference in so many lives.” People across the UW participated in engaging events and generous personal giving to engender change around the world by supporting nearly 1,700 nonprofits. From increasing education equality to disaster relief, the range of charities supported by the UWCFD reflect the diverse passion for change driven by our community.
A world of good is one that is increasingly more equitable and accessible. This year’s featured charity, Summit Assistance Dogs, makes accessibility a reality. Summit matches assistance dogs with individuals living with disabilities, allowing them to take on each day with increased independence. UWCFD events like Pupcakes and the THANKSforGIVING Holiday Charity Fair helped raise the funds needed to expand Summit’s impact in the Pacific Northwest. UW employees also shared pictures of their dogs for the Dogs of Dawgs calendar, which raised $33,002 for Summit.
“The UW community joined together during this year’s campaign to reach our $25,000 goal – the cost to raise, train and place a Summit dog and transform someone’s life,” said Kerri.
The statewide fundraising campaign dates back to 1984, and since then, the UW community has contributed a total of $48.1 million for nonprofits, as well as UW scholarships and programs.
Keep the giving going! Find volunteer opportunities that make a difference in communities near and far.
If you missed this year’s drive or still want to show your support, you can still give year-round through payroll deduction.